Chapter 2

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Gojo was walking fast enough that he could already see the room, and at the entrance to it he noticed you. You were standing there looking inside. When, unnoticed, he stopped behind you, he noticed what you were looking at. Most of the seats were full and the rest were reserved for someone else. There were two empty armchairs at the end of the room. There was a note stuck there when you looked there. So they were also taken. You sighed when a few other sorcerers took reserved seats, reserved in that Naoya who looked in your direction but not at you. Only then did you notice that someone was behind you. You moved quickly out of his way.

"I'm sorry to get in your way. I didn't know you were standing here." you apologized quickly and waited when he go. He did not do it. He just stood staring at you. He smiled slightly.

"There is an empty seat next to me. Knowing the others, no one will sit there. So you can sit there. At the very end on the right." he said with an even bigger smile.

"There will be others. Let someone more important sit there." you said. Your presence here was unnecessary in your opinion. And for a Gojo, your presence by his side was obligatory. He certainly didn't want you to sit next to someone else. You were his and he decided where you would sit. But yet he couldn't tell you that, not until everything was ready Although he had to hurry up with preparations. Someone else was trying to touch you. He must have had you close, or someone else would also try.

"I insist. I want a pretty person like you to sit next to me." he stretched out his hand pointing to the road. It was the second time this day someone said something about your appearance. Did people really only look at what a person looked like? You've bowed your head down a little now, not wanting to be here at all. Gojo, seeing your discomfort after his compliment, wanted to get out of it somehow. You really were pretty to him. But I don't think you found such comments pleasant. "I... I really want you to sit next to me. I didn't mean the same thing as that asshole before! In my opinion you really are pretty." he tried to cheer you up. You nodded and you followed the direction he was pointing to the chairs. He came right behind you. Gently smiling, but the smile faded as he noticed Naoya's eyes following you as you walked with him. You sat down on an unsigned seat staring at the sheet of paper in the other seat. Satoru Gojo. It was written on the piece of paper before he pulled it off and crushed it by throwing it behind the back.

That name...

"Thank you." you said looking away.

"You're welcome. I am always happy to do something for you. Especially so that you don't have to sit next to an idiot like Naoya."


"I've heard everything and I think he should stay away from you. He doesn't deserve your attention."

You don't say anything.

"It's not my business to judge other people's views. But thank you for your concern.

"It's about to start, but I could ask for your phone number?" He asked.

"I'm sorry, but I don't give my phone number to strangers."

"I see. So there was no question of this. And there is a chance to change from "stranger" to you to "acquaintance"? "

"I don't often have this question, but talking to you can do something." you said not wanting to tell the truth. You did not want new friends who would use others like the previous one.

"Maybe after this meeting we will go somewhere? A walk?" suggested.

"I am sorry but I do not have time." you made up an excuse.

"Okay..." he sighed. He wanted you to get to know him better by kindness before he makes you do something you don't want to do. Even now he can barely control himself so as not to accidentally pounce on you and hug or kiss you. He wanted to tell you so much that he loved you but he couldn't. At least not yet. He already gave you hints of who he is in the letters. Every "S" and "G" it was bigger than the rest of the letters. He wanted you to guess that S as Satoru and G as Gojo. In the last letter he was about to write, he wanted to make his name stand out. So that you know who the person writing to you is. Or rather finding ideas on the Internet.

The meeting began. Only sorcerers from semi-grade class 1 to special have been invited here. Meeting dealt with emerging curses as always. You noticed that the man next to you didn't seem to be as interested in listening as you do. But maybe you know him... When it was all over, everyone went their separate ways. Upon leaving, you were again stopped by Zen'in who warned you that you better not play games with him, even if you have Gojo on your side. You didn't understand what he meant and you just walked away. Gojo saw it. He noticed that he stopped you and heard what he said to you. Now he knew he couldn't wait any longer. He had to get you out of here as soon as possible. Finish your preparations today and give you a final letter with his full name written on it. He had to.


In the evening, sitting on a tree, he was just waiting for you to do something to pass a letter to you with a bouquet of white lilies. It was the first change he made on that last day. He always gave you (favorite flowers). White lilies symbolizing purity and innocence were given to you on the last night in your house. You were pure and innocent to Gojo. You were for him a white lily growing alone, who waited until he broke it himself, taking her with him.

When you looked at the bouquet, you were surprised to see such flowers. Decorated with ribbons and a letter, they were placed in front of your door. Everything was different today. Different flowers, a different envelope and a different letter.

You scanned it looking at the distinctive letter. You never really read them. You're just browsing. Sometimes you just wanted some nice words and you read them, but that was sometimes. The Gojo knew this well. But his letters were always read after a few days. He was sure you would read it tomorrow. And when you do that you will realize it's him and he will come for you. It's just a matter of time. When he waited for you to fall asleep, this time he was not with you when you were asleep, but he was sitting on a tree branch talking to himself.

"They don't look at you the way I want you. They would never appreciate you as much as I do and they would never love you. They don't deserve you. You belong to Me. I could get rid of anyone who ever did something to you. Even if it meant killing them. I'll do everything for you. I won't let anyone take you from me. I don't care what I do to get it. Nothing matters. Nobody matters except you. You must be mine. There is no other choice. There's only one way they'll never touch you with those dirty paws. I'll keep you to myself. Then no one will take you from me.  if you don't want it, you'll be mine. Nobody will be with you except me. If I have to, I'll hurt you. So that you remember who you belong to. You'll be Mine. Already tomorrow."

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