Chapter 28

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A/N: From this chapter on, there will be something about the past.

Darkness engulfed your mind faster than you expected. Its warmth was reassuring, and it pulled you closer and closer. You felt the heat as he covered you with the duvet, thus hugging you. Your eyes were half open, and you don't know why, you felt like you were in those moments at school right now. He hasn't really changed. But you started to think about him. White disheveled hair and large round glasses. School uniform always suited him. He always looked very much the same. How not the same. Maybe's face was more childish then than he is now, but he still looked more mature. Pretty now with visible jawline and nose line. He had a delicate face, but every feature was visible anyway. Plus those eyes. This made him radiate an almost feminine beauty, despite how masculine he was. In short, a perfect model batch for warehouses. And he was a sorcerer. Additionally, a teacher. Even at school, it did not seem that what he wanted to do in life. A sorcerer, yes, but not a teacher. He had no predisposition to be like that, and that surprised you. As a strong person, he could teach about Jujutsu. And not about subjects like math. It is true that he was talented and knew a lot, but in the end this high school was also an ordinary school that additionally teaches Jujutsu. There wasn't much chance of dropping basic subjects out of this school. Somehow they had to learn. And Gojo was the last person you thought he would teach seriously. And it's strange that they haven't kicked him out of there yet. But they don't have any hands to work, and someone has to teach. When you say someone you mean Gojo.

Looking up a little you notice his relaxed face. The eyes are closed, and so is the mouth. He was breathing slowly. You wanted to raise your hand and rub that soft and smooth cheek, but he suddenly opened his eyes looking at you.

"Something's wrong? I thought you were tired." he said, moving a little.

"I am..." you replied squinting your eyes as they slowly closed by themselves.

"So go to sleep." he moved his hand, putting it under your head and brought you closer to him until you cuddled up against his naked chest. His touch burned against your skin by the force he used on you. But it was okay. He gave you the feeling he used to do. He was strangely sympathetic. Nothing else. That's why you closed your eyes only hearing the being of his heart. 


You felt strange. You opened your eyes only to see white. You knew you were dreaming. But this dream was very real. You felt him strongly. As if you were really living there. 

Turning around while looking for a color other than white, you found a figure lying a few meters away from you. You came closer. It was a girl. You knew her. How could you not meet her if...

...It's you...?

Yes. Without a doubt. It was you when I was still in school. Jujutsu school uniform and same face. You haven't changed that much. Even though several years have passed. The skin of your other self was lighter. Completely white. And the chest was not rising. Were you dead?

You came closer, kneeling next to you. You looked at your features and saw no sign of life.

What was the point of this dream?

You put your hand on your bare wrist to check for a pulse. Thread. But when you wanted to put your own hand away, you couldn't move it. You couldn't move away from the other body. As if you were stuck together. Or rather... Your skins fused together and your hand disappeared inside. It pulled you inside. You were pushed and the rest of your body disappeared. However, your younger character regained its colors until at some point it regained its breath. But that was where you almost disappeared. You were like a ghost entering this body. The closer your face delved into the other's head, the more the surroundings changed. Instead of white, at certain moments something else started showing through. Blue, brown, green. You even felt the gusts of air smelling of the forest. So fresh. You felt the sweet smells soothing your thoughts, and finally, at the moment when you could not see anything anymore by absorbing it inside, you heard a voice.

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