Chapter 54

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Everything hurt so much. You don't want it to hurt. You want it to go away. Pain is not pleasant. It never was. You don't like pain.

So why does your body hurt so much...

Besides the heat, there is also pain in your body. And you want him to disappear. Nobody would want that feeling.

You don't remember what happened later.

But you know it hurts.

You know something happened. 

But you don't know why you open your eyes. You see nothing but darkness anyway. Plus that tinnitus. These squeaks and whistles. You don't know what to do with them. But you want to get rid of them. 

Darkness looks like darkness. Dark...

And there is nothing in the dark.

Besides the sound. You hear sounds. You know there's something out there. You hear anything. But you don't know why you can't see anything.

Have you lost your eyesight?

Or are you sleeping?

Or you are already dead...

You just want to apologize to Satoru. For everything you've ever done to him. Or even ask him to take you away.

You don't remember anything that happened right after you fell.
But unfortunately you remember that moment.

Though your head hurts just thinking about it. And even without it, it hurts.

You lie in you. You feel good. And it's so nice. 
Pain is nothing compared to this. You love this feeling. No matter what makes you feel so good and warm. It is important that it really is.

When you look into the darkness, you wonder if it's not Satoru that keeps you so warm. He's always been with you, so maybe now too...

You want to wake up.

You want to see him.

He would find you at any cost. He is with you. It's definitely him.

But if not...

You can't think that. You must know. And you know it's Satoru. He wouldn't leave you.

Not like that.

Not at this point.

Satoru is always with you. And even if he is not there, he will be there. He would never leave you. He would never leave you. You won't be alone when he is around.

You know that's how it is.

Only with him you can feel it. Only with him you hear every whisper. 

"You're mine"

"You can't leave "

"No one else can have you"

"Your life belongs to me"

You hear it all from the beginning. Same as always. These brutal words. So painful. Taking your freedom. You don't have the energy to oppose it. Words so cold you don't want to hear them. 

Whispers that are hard to hear but still there. So quiet. So incomprehensible. However, they still exist. 

In the dark, you don't want to listen to them. They are painful. They take your own will. 

However, these are the words of Satoru. All you hear now that is whispered are his words. These are all his own words. You will never forget them. You can't do that. Because that is what shows you that he is still mean. Brutal and mean. Knowing no pity for your feelings. 

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