Chapter 1

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Warning: bad grammar

This is an old story with bad grammar. If you're going to post comments about how terrible this is, leave now.

The cold night air hit your face as you sat quietly in the woods reading a book. It was a place no one knows anything about. Only you came there to hide from the world of Jujutsu around you. Nobody knew about it. Nobody remembered about you. All missions were taken over by other sorcerers. Nobody cares where you are. Every day in hiding was soothing. No talking and no more rude remarks about your appearance from male sorcerers passing by. The desire to be a sorcerer is long gone. Even if you come to your former school, you run away to a place where you feel comfortable. Without anyone. No people and no curses. You enjoyed nothing more than peace from pushy people. It was perfect until the most annoying and selfish sorcerer appeared.

He suddenly appeared. You only knew him because he was a strong sorcerer. You didn't know anything else Your memories hit you sometimes. As if you knew him. But....

He was too much interested in meeting you despite your disinterest. Next were flowers sent to your address. Unknown reason and the one who bought these flowers. It was known that this person knew you, but you did not. You guess...

At least you thought so. Next were flowers with attached letters written in a strange way. Some letters were bigger than others, and others

Something was wrong. For as long as you can remember, you've always felt a little empty. Betrayal by loved ones and the death of your parents have left this empty feeling that dominated your entire life. You never felt anything else. Your world has always been bad. Your mother was a nice human deceived by the world. That's why she stopped trusting people. But when she met your father, everything changed for her. He brought warmth and affection to her world. He made her feel loved. She said you that one day you will meet someone special, as it happened in her case. Someone who will show you real life in happiness without pretending. You've been waiting for this day all your life. Dreaming of the moment you will meet that person. It was the only thing you were waiting for. Unfortunately, no one showed up. Your life is empty. You started to get used to the silence filling your home and mind every day. You already knew that there is no such person who was special to you and would change your world. That's when you stopped trusting even your deceased mother. Hate for promised happiness in a life that never happened has left its mark on you. There was no one important in your life. Even those nice people who wanted to be friends had something repulsive about them. They were too happy.

When those flowers and notes started coming, you didn't even feel a thing then. It is true that some of the letters made your heart beat faster, but this letter must have come from someone. It was probably person like the rest of the people. But such thinking was a strong mistake. This person was not an ordinary person trying to flirt. It was someone who already knew you would spend the rest of your life with him.

Only he knew it. That you are his. You didn't even know who he was. Even so, he came to your house every night watching you sleep. It was the best entertainment for him. With impunity to watch his girl sleep peacefully in this world filled to the brim with curses. Even though he knew you were learning about the fight against curses, he thought you were a defenseless little girl left to the world's fate. Even people deprived of good feelings had to have a moment to come to terms with their fate. He just wanted you to himself. In order not to let some idiots touch you. Gojo Satoru as the strongest had the right to show what was his. At least he thought so. He doesn't know how it happened that he wanted your property. But he gave in to his desires and believed everything that told him that you will be his forever.

Your every move was watched while you sleep. Every breath and sound. You always slept so innocently when he watched. You never woke up in his presence. Even his strong aura of blasted energy didn't wake you up. He enjoyed it. Right now, he doesn't want you to know about him. At least he had to endure a little longer before taking you in his arms. Only tender and gentle gestures could not interrupt your sleep. For now, as long as he watches how far he must go in order for you to always be his, you have peace. He gave you one last kiss on the forehead, then vanished from yours home to appear in yours. Preparations were underway there. Everything you've ever liked was there already. From furniture to various decorations. It was all in his house, which he bought on purpose, to bring you there. A modern house with various security features. Large garden surrounded by high walls and outdoor swimming pool and jacuzzi. The interior of the house is also modern. Black, white and blue. The most popular colors in your home. He knew what colors you liked and he expected for sure that you would love his eyes anyway.

Big shared bedroom was most important to him. The house, although not the largest and had one floor, was intimidating by its appearance. The living room, kitchen, bathroom and shared bedroom would surely be enough for the two of you The preparations were almost complete. The only thing left for him to do is to decorate everything so that you like it and planting your favorite flowers and plants in the garden. He thought about meeting you before he locks you up here. But it was better for him when you didn't know much about him. You will find out when you are officially his.


Urgent Call to Jujutsu High. It was the first time you woke up. You were hoping it was to fire you. You couldn't ignore it, so you got up getting ready to go out. When you were ready you went to school to be checked what they want from you. You met up with the glances of other sorcerers as you walked. Mainly men looking to all women around. By eavesdropping on the conversation, you already knew what was going on. Meeting. Since when you receive your meeting requests? They never make you come over. This is the first time. Knowing where the meeting was to begin, you went straight in that direction. The halls are quite empty as always, except for you and one sorcerer. Zen'in. You knew she was from this family. You hated them the most. Annoying family. Judging by the appearance, Naoya Zen'in. An idiot who prides himself on his strength. You just wondered if he was called too. Unfortunately, while passing by him, he noticed you.

"Oh who we have here. Our (y/n) (l/n) which never exists... But I admit you are doing well. The last time I saw you, you didn't look like this. Who are you doing this for? You've been beautiful since our last meeting. Maybe there is something you do instead of a sorcerer's job where this look is needed? If you want we can meet. Just fold something other than pants." he said, coming closer and trying to touch you. You immediately stepped back and moved on. "So what will it be? Maybe today-"

"Shut up before I cut your stupid face." you threatened.

"So dangerous! Some guys like girls like that, but I personally prefer submissive." he moved even closer, smiling flirtatiously. You missed walking down the hall. Therefore you think he was an idiot who could be nice at times. This day was the worst day when he made such suggestions. When I first met him, he was quite nice and sympathetic. You heard his snort at you leaving and walked away. He left at a fork in the corridor, and when he wanted to turn, he was pulled by the collar and pinned to the wall forcibly. Your conversation was overheard and you didn't even know it.

"Hi Naoya. What do you think... you can get away with saying such nasty things to her?" Gojo asked smiling smirking at him against the wall.

"Gojo?! Don't tell me you're defending her! Besides, I just said something about her appearance and suggested a meeting!" he also smiled in reply.

"Don't think you can get away with talking like this to my property. She is mine and remember it." he pushed him hard against the wall, making him gasp for air.

"Gojo! What are you doing again?! Let him go!" Utahime yelled at him as she came around the corner.

"That trash looked at her..."

"I don't care about you! You have to let him go because the meeting is about to begin!"

"Tch!" he snorted, suddenly letting go of Zen'in. He put his hands in his pockets as he walked into the room. He was thinking about how you might feel when someone like him comments on you.

A/n: There is a part here inspired by the yandere quotes that I found

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