Chapter 52

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There were no more metal handcuffs on your wrist. As soon as you woke up, you didn't feel anything on your hand. Neither cold metal nor his warm hand. You were a little disappointed. 

But even now you were tired. So you don't know how long ago he went. 

When you woke up for the first time in a few days in this soft and pleasant bed, there was no person who gave a little life here. Some fear, some love and hate. And it also gave comfort. Now you felt so empty. You were alone here, and it felt like you were just lying in the most ordinary bed. No matter how comfortable it was to sleep. Now it was not comfortable for your psyche. 

You turned your head slightly to see the handcuffs lying in the open drawer. Actually, this is the first time you've seen this drawer open. You've never seen this before. You only knew that this was where Satoru kept his things. Or rather, the ones intended for you. You haven't looked exactly what is there because you know you've seen it all before. Probably each of these things has touched your skin before.

Suddenly you heard a beep. Loud noise coming from another drawer. You leaned in to open it. There was a phone inside. This is the one you got from Satoru. The one made to let you communicate with him. 

His name was displayed on the white screen.

Your heart almost jumped in your throat when you saw the name. 


It was just written like that. 

There were so many people with the same name. But you always know it's him. You don't know any other Satoru. You only know this. And you don't want to meet another one.

Quickly grabbing the device, you swiped the icon to answer. 

Then you quickly put it to your ear. 

"Hello?" you asked biting your finger in anticipation. You thought maybe you missed the call. 

You pushed aside for a moment to look at the screen. It was clearly written that the connection was ongoing. Seconds passed on the screen. 

You put the phone to your ear again.

Maybe he changed his mind and doesn't want to talk anymore?

"Are you there?" you asked carefully. 

You tucked your knees up to your chest, afraid no one would answer.

Still nothing.

When you sighed heavily and wanted to slowly move the phone away to click the red receiver, suddenly you heard something.

"(y/n)? Are you listening?" 

You answered him almost immediately.

"Yes. I'm listening to you." You responded by pulling the phone closer after you gave it back.

"Good. I'm sorry you made me wait, but after I called you and waited for you to pick up, Yaga came. I couldn't speak when he was there."

"... I see..." you groaned, biting your lip with nerves.

God... Since when are you so nervous? Since you are afraid of what he might say? If you bite your lip like that, he'll definitely bleed, and he won't like that. 

You know he likes to bite you himself. Often, after his kisses, your lips were red and swollen. Sometimes there were even wounds on them. But you've never done that yourself. 

"Generally, I am calling to say hello to you. I see you woke up!" He said cheerfully.

"What if I slept and didn't pick up?" you asked.

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