Chapter 43

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Your smile was something he always saw. Lips widening to show a smile. Eyes that laugh. Happiness in them. Peaceful face. Your character in the light.

It was one of the most beautiful scenes of his life. The way you used to pronounce his name always said how much you like him. It did that he always wanted to protect you. 

Sleep with you has haunted him several times. Always the same your smile always showed. 

When it was so bright, your smile was very visible. Jujutsu high uniform on your body. Joy on your face. Your joyful screams. Only his mind showed them as voiceless. As if he didn't want to hear them. 

He didn't want to see the other part of it. Two parts of the medallion. One happy and the other... He didn't even know how to put it. 

Sad, terrible, scary? 

Because you didn't have a smile on your face there. There was a grimace. Halfway back to him. The entire background was turning dark. You yourself were no longer bright and illuminated. Your clothes have changed. Your face. 

When he wanted to come closer, something was blocking him. He couldn't come. But your face wasn't that sad. You were just normal. Eyes closed and mouth too. You were neither smiling nor crying. Lips twisted somewhere in between.

There was always a hand on your head. Same as now. 

The moving smoke formed a gray form. Much more contrasting than you. Someone you were cuddling with. Hands on your body. The smile visible on the face of the other character. There was no doubt who it was. The blue flashes in his eyes showed it perfectly. 

It was this Gojo. 

Someone Nanami didn't respect. He trusted and believed in him completely. But he did not respect. He didn't know if now, after all this, he could stop treating him like he did now. He only could if you told him that. He will listen to you. He wouldn't listen to him. But he knows you'll say the same as he does. Because the Gojo is hurting you.

Waking up early in the morning, the first thing was to force a meeting. Another one. Next day. Not long after the first. 

And what surprised him most was that the Gojo agreed to it. 


The meeting was as before. Except you were more awake than before. 

You still looked tired, but this time it was obvious that you were not sleeping well. He could say the same about the Gojo. He was also yawning all the time. Though he is a bad example to compare because he always does.

You were curled up on the couch next to the white-haired man. Like the first time. But there was something else about you now. Something even more different. As if you don't have energy even more. 

He knew you could be on the sedatives the Gojo was giving you, but he wasn't sure. Even if you didn't, you still looked tired. 

There was silence between you. 

You felt strange. Fatigue from not sleeping at night. You felt that dull pain in your legs and abdomen. You don't understand why he kept you awake. You understand what he needed, but he could have done it sooner, not in the middle of the night. You two didn't finish until 3am. And you slept like this until 9 am. Gojo didn't even show up for work. He just stayed home lounging with you. A warm bath and soothing cuddling. It was totally relaxing. But in the morning Nanami ruined his life. He wanted another meeting to which he agreed. He might say no. But he preferred to be on good terms with him. Plus, he would have to tell you that he refused him. And he wishes you were happy. That you did not show the blonde that you are worse here. That's why you couldn't be offended. And maybe then, when he doesn't say no to him, Nanami will understand that he is good for you. And maybe he'll give you a break in the end.

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