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I've tried to get contact with Riley to try and figure this all out but I still had no reply..
3 weeks of being blanked and I know she's been receiving them since her read receipts are on and whenever I call it's always declined after the 3rd ring

Was I really that bad to be with? Probably.. I put Riley through quite a bit with my childish antics
I just still don't understand how I couldn't see any signs that Riley didn't want to be with me anymore.. I suppose I truly was blind
In my head we were getting back on track and things were all resolved, Riley was her happy usual self or so I thought she was

The last 3 weeks my mind has been all over the place and work is the only way that I can somewhat distract myself, I've been working extremely long days however my boss has realised this and called me in for a meeting yesterday and he's now making me take a few days holiday so I'm able to rest
I understand where he's coming from but all I want to do is distract myself and now my main form of distraction was gone I had no idea what to turn my mind too

Being sat in this house wasn't my idea of fun, it had all the new memories me and Riley had made but every time I think of them I just overthink everything
Riley meant absolutely everything to me, her and those babies are my whole world
We were supposed to a happy family like we had always imagined but why would Riley agree to buy a house with me if she didn't want any of this in the long run?

A knock at my door interrupts my train of thought and with a big sigh a push myself of the sofa and make my way towards the front door
I open the door to see Patrick on my doorstep looking extremely worried and panicked
"Oh what are you doing here Patrick?" I question
"Where's Riley?" He asks softly sounding slightly out of breath
"Didn't Riley tell you?" I ask with furrowed eyebrows

Patrick's gives me a confused look so I open the door further and link arms with him to help assist him to my sofa so he could catch his breath
"3 weeks ago when I went on my business trip Riley stopped messaging me back and wouldn't answer my calls so I cut it short and came home and when I did I found the house empty.. Riley left me this note and hasn't returned any calls or texts since I found it" I explain before reaching into my back pocket to pull out her note

"I didn't realise she left you? Riley was messaging me last week saying that you both were going away for a trip and I didn't hear anything since" Patrick replies
"She said that?" I ask
"Yeah I'll show you" Patrick says before pulling the texts up onto his phone
"That's really strange" I sigh

Patrick reads the note Riley left and after a few minutes he lets out a gasp
"Riley didn't write this" Patrick's suggests
"What do you mean?" I ask only growing in confusion
"Look here, Riley has never called the babies children for a start and she wouldn't ever just sign her name as Ri.. ever since she was little it was always Riley" Patrick explains

"How didn't I notice that" I sigh rubbing my hand against my temple
I've re read that note countless times and I never picked up on it however Patrick can after seeing this note 5 minutes ago
I really am bad to be with.. if I had noticed this sooner Riley would be safe and most likely here with me now
"Next question though.. who's Beth again?" Patrick's asks softly

"She's my ex, I used to date her in school then I met Riley but back in school she made me do this pact so I couldn't leave her even though I wanted too but with Riley's help I was able to escape that and then when Riley left town after 3 ish years me and Beth started to date again but it didn't last since I quickly found out she didn't grow up but once she caught wind of Riley being back in town everything started up once again, Beth had lied that she's pregnant with my child even though she isn't and if it was mine the baby would be here not in her stomach" I explained

"Wait Beth is the one who caused so much drama between you two wasn't she?" Patrick's asks causing me to nod my head
"Yeah she just hasn't grown up" I reply
"Has she started since you both moved here?" Patrick's asks
"Yeah she's sent us this note back along but as far as I'm aware there was nothing since I left for my work trip, Riley never told me any different" I explain

"Do you still have that note?" Patrick says making me stand up to go into one of the cabinets draws to find it after Riley found it that day I decided to keep it for evidence, if we ever needed it and thankfully I did
I hand over the note and immediately we saw the same characteristics in the handwriting
My heart instantly drops.. this means Beth has done something to Riley but where an earth are they?

I grab my phone out my pocket and dial 999 to report Riley missing and after telling them for how long it doesn't take long for a police car to turn up on her door step
2 officers come in and speak to us together then question us separately, I understand that her boyfriend hasn't reported her missing for the last 3 weeks and I know how and that makes me look but I show them everything I can and give them the details for Beth and after about 4 hours of them being here they left

I hope Riley is found soon
I don't know how I didn't pick up any of this myself and I wish I had gone to Patrick sooner.. how was I so stupid? I should of realised all of this weeks ago but I was blind..

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