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My feet had brought me back to Riley's room and before I could even place my hand on the door the doctors and nurses inside usher me down the corridor to some chairs
I didn't get any information but all I know is that Riley isn't okay

Patrick is wheeled out in a wheelchair not even 5 minutes after with a distraught look on his face
He's placed beside me and the doctor turns to us both with an empathetic look
"I'm so sorry but you guys need to stay here, as soon as you're able to go back in the room we'll come get you" the doctor softly explains

Just as fast as it happened we're sat alone with just our thoughts to preoccupy us
"Did you hear anything when you were in there?" I timidly ask
"It isn't good James.. it isn't good at all.. the bleed on her brain is back" Patrick explains before letting out a sigh

"Oh shit.." I sigh before standing up to find a vending machine or a cafe so I can grab us something to eat and drink
I don't know how long these things last for or if Riley will be okay but I do know that Riley is a fighter, she always has been

It's been almost 4 hours and we're still waiting outside the room, we haven't had any updates but we've seen anyone and everyone rushing in and out Riley's room some with machines and others just rushing in

I need Riley to be okay.. I need my babies to be okay..

I've never felt more helpless in my whole life, just sitting here while Riley is fighting for her life just a few metres away
Patrick has barley spoken and he still looks like he's seen a ghost and it doesn't help that it feels like time is currently frozen

We hear the door to 323 crack open with Jonah walking out straight towards us
Now we finally get to know if Riley is okay or not..
Jonah slowly walks towards us but doesn't make eye contact until he's stood right in front of us

"Right so, we've managed to stabilise the bleed in Riley's brain however tonight we're going to be bringing over a scan machine so we can check if the babies are doing okay" Jonah explains
"Do we know at all if the babies are okay now though? Surely you've got some idea what's going on" I ask

"We think they're okay but we don't know for certain yet but since Riley keeps having bleeds we need to make sure everything okay" Jonah sighs
"Can we go in a see her now?" Patrick says
"Yeah you're able to go in now" Jonah replies

I stand up and push Patrick into the room to see Riley laying there helplessly, she looks like the shell of the beautiful woman she was before
I put Patrick on one side of her so he could hold her hand while I toke a seat on the other side of her doing the exact same thing

Patrick starts to pray and I didn't believe in anything but I joined in and prayed with him
Riley needed all the help she could get at this point
As we finish we sit in silence, I'm grateful that Riley is stable but I need to know if my babies are okay now and who's to say Riley wouldn't relapse again

Jonah walks in again with a sympathetic look before he lets out a big sigh
"We can't do the scan today, we might be able to do it tomorrow morning but we're needed for another emergency, I'm so sorry guys" Jonah explains before rushing back out the door

We could hear muffled shouting and nurses and doctors rushing past Riley's room and if I'm right it sounded like the number that belongs to Mason..

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