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It's been a few days and Patrick has been awake for majority of the day, being his usual self and later today if all of his checks go well he's able to go home
However Riley on the other hand we can't say the same thing

Riley hasn't made any movements and doesn't show signs of doing that any time soon
They haven't been able to take her down to maternity bit to check on the twins either since Riley can't be off these tubes and there's too many machines to take there we just haven't been able to do it

I don't know the signs if we have lost them but when they get Riley cleaned for they always get me to leave the room so I have no idea until we can have a scan but I feel like I've been waiting forever to find out

"Hey James, how're you today?" Jonah asks as he walks in the room
"I'm as good as I can be" I reply softly
"I'm just here to do a few checks on Patrick but it seems that he's fallen back to sleep" Jonah says with a slight chuckle making me do the same

"Yeah I wish I could nap as much as he does" I chuckle
"Oh so do I" Jonah replies
"Can I ask who the other person was?" I ask
"You can, his name is Mason Saunders" Jonah says making my heart drop
"Mason? As in him?" I ask while getting a picture of Mason up on my phone

"Yeah that's him, do you know him?" Jonah asks with furrowed brows
"Yeah it's Riley's ex, he's a right psycho and lately he hasn't left Riley alone" I say in disbelief
"Out of all people it just had to be him.." I continue
"How is he?" I ask after a slight pause

"He is in critical condition, his injuries are worse then Riley's and Patrick's combined" Jonah explains
"Is he going to make it?" I ask
"Uhm we aren't too sure" Jonah reveals making me nod my head
"Can I go and see him?" I ask making Jonah nod his head before giving me his room number

I head straight down there and I hope no one else is in the room, I don't know what Mason's family is like but with how he turned out I'm thinking they're the same
His room isn't too far from Riley's which angers me even more, he's been here this whole time and I had no idea

I stop outside his room door and hesitate before glancing in seeing the room is empty making me go inside
I slowly walk over to masons lifeless body laying on the bed with even more tubes then Riley does, his skin the shade of ghost white

I lean my head next to his ear and snarl
"If you ever wake up from this, I will find you and I will kill you.. you've put Riley and our babies at risk and I won't stand for that"
Before I get too angry and do anything I regret I walk back to Riley and Patrick's room but before I can grab the handle to the door I hear the sound of people running and shouting 323

323 is Riley's room..

I try and move but my feet seem to be stuck to the ground and the beating of my heart gets louder and louder to the point where I can't hear anyone or anything else..

Why can't it just be simple..
Why does things like this always happen..

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