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  "Base Commander, are you talking about Yunqi City? Maybe that woman Chen Yue is there," Su Nan couldn't help but think of Chen Yue when he mentioned Yunqi City, and he said with disgust, "I really don't like her."

Su Zhenyu narrowed his eyes slightly: "If we meet her there, remember to suppress your emotions, and if you have a dispute, I will not help you."

"Cousin——" Su Nan naturally knew what Su Zhenyu meant, He didn't expect that after so long, Su Zhenyu still turned to the woman Chen Yue.

"Get out!" Su Zhenyu shouted, and he rudely kicked Su Nan out of the office.

After driving Su Nan out of the office, Su Zhenyu took out the map and redrawn a circle on Yunqi City: "Good junior sister, I haven't seen you for a few months, I don't know what you have achieved now! And Longjing, I am The base chief, how about you?"

Outside his office, Su Nan's face was ugly, and his eyes shot a vicious light: "It's better that Chen Yue has already built the base for us! I must take it away from her!"

A secret door next to Su Zhenyu opened, and a young man walked out. He stood behind Su Zhenyu, and his voice was respectful: "Base commander, the news about the zombie group is correct."

"How many days do we have?" Su Zhenyu took the picture The map is closed and thrown to the young man.

The young man unfolded the map, and he pondered for a moment: "Up to five days."

If Chen Yue was here, she would recognize the person standing beside Su Zhenyu, who was also an acquaintance of her previous life, one of her former members of the Moon God team.

Su Zhenyu tapped on the table slowly with his fingers: "Arrange a few groups of people to go out to the city to do tasks, and Lizhou will meet up!"

"Base director, what about the base?" the young man asked.

"This is not something you worry about," Su Zhenyu's voice sank, obviously with a bit of displeasure, he didn't like others to try to figure out his thoughts.

"Yes!" The young man exited to look at the base chief's office.

Su Zhenyu slowly narrowed his eyes...

"Captain, there are a few mutated plants here, do you want to drop by? Or click?" Shen Hongxia pointed to a few green spots on the ground. Those mutated plants found that someone was approaching, and they wilted a little bit.

"By the way!" Chen Yue said, walking towards Shen Hongxia.

Now everyone is used to the "by the way" she said, all the things that can be collected are by the way, and the things that are not needed are clicked.

Chen Yue walked to Shen Hongxia's feet and saw that the hairs on her back stood up, and a chill spread from her heels to the top of her head instantly!

A few wilted mutant plants!

Those are several mutant plant kings!

The king of ten!

Now they are shrunken on the ground, and she can pick them up as long as she bends over!

What a creepy harvest this is!

Does she dare to pick it up?

"Captain, why don't you accept it?" Shen Hongxia urged: "If you don't want it, I'll burn them!"

Seven or eight king-level mutant plants, that is, all the fire-type abilities of the Yunqi team, went up together. Can't burn them to death?

"Take it, I'll take it now!" Chen Yue said almost gritted her teeth, she herself is a tenth grade, and a tenth grade is a tenth grade. Will they obediently ask her to take it?

Level 10, the stunned mutant plant king, shivered when Chen Yue tried to approach!

Of course, Chen Yue didn't see it, she just thought that these mutant plant kings were even more wilted.

Under the enthusiastic eyes of his teammates, Chen Yue bravely went to collect the mutant plant king. The mutant plant king was obediently taken into the space by her.

Long Jing discovered something was wrong with Chen Yue. He saw crystal beads of sweat on her forehead, and immediately walked to her in a few steps: "Yueyue, what's the matter?"

"I'm fine! I just picked up a few tenth-level mutant plants that were wilted." Chen Yue pretended to be calm, her heart was about to boil with nervousness, and she picked up tenth-level mutant plants at random. Is this possible? Impossible!

High-level mutant animals and plants have a certain wisdom, except for those who were originally friendly to humans, the rest cannot be casually touched by humans! Unless there is a higher level suppressing them.

In the space, the guinea pig was unable to suppress the mutant plant king of level ten, and the tree frog was pretending to be dead all the time. She knew that the tree frog was afraid of the existence that exceeded the tenth level.

"Level 10?" Shen Hongxia's smiling face suddenly froze: "The mutant plant I stepped on just now is level 10?"

The smiles on the faces of the rest of the team members also froze: "Those crippled mutant plants are level 10. Level?"

"Captain, are you telling the truth?"

"No, no, right?"

"Hmm!" Chen Yue looked helpless: "My back broke out in cold sweat, you guys have to watch it. A level ten mutant plant? A mutant plant king!"

"No!" The unanimous answer made Chen Yue speechless: "It's all in my dimension now, what about you? It's only level ten, and me!"

" Don't take it out yet," Long Jing hurriedly stopped Chen Yue, what Chen Yue said made him feel very strange, the mutant plants and mutant insects outside the military camp were only a few levels, and they attacked them overwhelmingly. Possibly pick up a level ten mutant plant? , Thinking of this, he couldn't help frowning: "This is so wrong, Yueyue, what do you think?"

"I just found out? It's really dull!" Chen Yue gave Long Jing a white look: "Fortunately, Hongxia called me first, otherwise, I guess I have to ask the tenth-level mutant plant to ask you for it!"

"Don't be in a daze," Duan Junshan stared at Chen Yue and Long Jing, and said aloud, "Let's see if there is any danger around?

" There's no danger," Shen Hongxia looked at the pit on the ground, only to feel that she couldn't even lift her feet, and she was afraid that she would be powerless: "It scared me to death!"

Hearing this, Chen Yue looked at Shen Hongxia, and when she saw Shen Hongxia's state at this time, her heart suddenly became cramped: "Why did you want to wipe their courage just now?"

"By the way, just now, you said you were going to burn them!"

"Captain, Don't embarrass me, I don't even have the strength to lift my feet now." Shen Hongxia blushed: "Who would have known that the few wild vegetables that looked stunned just now looked like they would be level ten!"

Zhang Zhijun bowed his head in the pit After turning around for a few times, he squatted beside the dirt pit and carefully looked at the traces of the dirt pit: "Captain, this soil looks like it was dug by a man, and it kind of looks like it was planted here on purpose."

He said this, Others also looked around.

"Captain, this soil was dug by human fingers!"

"Captain, come and see—" Chen Yue walked to the place just now, looking around vigilantly.

Who can plant a tenth-level mutant plant here?

Is it the "thing" that goes beyond the tenth level?

Zombies? Mutant plants? Or a mutant animal with no malice towards humans?

However, she found nothing.

"I saw it, maybe it's the mark I accidentally left?" Chen Yue said succinctly. After speaking, she waved to everyone: "There's nothing to collect here, let's go on!" When everyone got into the car , Meng Fei turned his head in the passenger seat: "Captain, you are so fake when you lie!"

"I can't help it, do you want me to take you to find out who dug the hole?" It was embarrassing to reveal that: "When I found out that those plants were level 10, my first reaction was to tell you to run away and go check it out??"

"What is the specific situation? Let's wait until Jingzhou! Because I don't know either. Ah."

Sun Lan leaned forward and brought his face closer to the front row: "Captain, are you afraid of death too?"

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