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211. Ant Nest

   The van at the head of the line stopped, and the cars behind saw them stuck in the pit, and no one stepped forward to check. They even pulled out of the car for a certain distance in a tacit understanding, and only then did someone come down to look at the Yunqi team.

"Why didn't they leave?"

"There is a pit, can't you just pour it out?"

"Really ink, I really don't know how their captain was..."

Fortunately, they retreated far away, otherwise Chen Yue would have listened to it. , want to hit someone.

It wasn't that Duan Junshan couldn't get the car out, but Chen Yue stopped him: "Brother Shan, let's get off the bus!"

It was Long Jing who discovered that on the road in front of them, there were large and small pits, some of which were still piled up. With fine yellow sand.

Long Jing walked to one of the pits with yellow sand and grabbed a handful of sand: "Why do I think it looks familiar?"

The tree frog in Chen Yue's pocket became excited, and Chen Yue covered her pocket: "What does it look familiar? This is an ant nest! Did you ever dig out an ant nest when you were a child?"

"Really not," Long Jing touched the tip of his nose and stood up before returning to the van.

Sudden accident!

The pavement under Long Jing's feet cracked open, and he fell directly.

"Long Jing, be careful," Chen Yue jumped into the pit without even thinking about it!

"Yes! Let's dance together!" Duan Junshan quickly followed behind the two of them when he saw this posture.

Everyone who watched Yunqi Squad jumped into the pit, and some people took out their binoculars: "You said, will there be something good down here?"

When the rest of the people heard his words, their eyes lit up...

Below the pit There was a lot of yellow sand, and the people who jumped in first couldn't see it, and the people who jumped down one after another raised the yellow sand, like a pot of boiling dumplings.

From under the yellow sand, one person climbed out first. His face was full of sand: "You all have a grudge against me in your previous life, right? All of you smashed on me, I went, I was almost killed by you!"

"Yueyue , you are so heavy!"

It turned out to be Long Jing, he said, bending over to touch the sand. If you touch someone, drag it out.

I sink? Chen Yue struggled to climb out of the sand and saw Long Jing dragging someone out with his eyes closed: "Brother Shan, you should lose weight!"

"Ah bah bah!" Duan Junshan spat out the sand in his mouth: "Who is dragging me? Don't drag, your pants are about to be pulled off by you--"

The rest of the people who climbed out were all covered in sand and embarrassed.

Long Jing immediately shut up, but fortunately his face was also dirty, no one saw the embarrassment on his face, he fell into the pit first, Chen Yue was next to him, he touched someone, I thought it was Chen Yue, but I didn't expect Chen Yue to climb out long ago.

"Wow, this is simply an underground world," Sun Lan exclaimed when he saw the scenery inside the pit.

At this time, the ground where they were fighting was three or four meters high from the hole they fell from. The light on the ground was not dark. There were countless small holes above their heads, and the sunlight shone into the small holes instead of lights.

Entering the eye, the surrounding yellow sand is connected into a piece, and it is impossible to see the edge at a glance.

It's like rolling sand dunes that have been moved from the ground to the ground!

"If this were an ant nest, how many ants would it take?" a team member murmured.

"I think you can see it right away!" Chen Yue looked in one direction, where she heard a rustling sound, and two slender and bright antenna-like things swayed behind a dune.

"What is that?" Duan Junshan rolled up his sleeves: "I'll go take a look!"

 "No need," Chen Yue grabbed DuanJunshan: "Listen carefully!"

Something slender and bright like an antenna was shaking.

"I'll go, that's the antennae of the soldier ants," Meng Fei blurted out in shock, recognizing what the slender antenna was at a glance.

After he finished speaking, everyone was stunned!

With tentacles that are one foot long, how big must an ant be?

Sun Lan hugged the little hedgehog tightly: "Boss, shall I let the little hedgehog go?"

Don't you look around? Chen Yue glared at her: "There is no place to cover us at all. You let the little hedgehog out, do you want to destroy us together?"

Meng Fei touched the fish hanging on him: "My fish are not suitable for Fight in the sand!"

"Be optimistic about your little friends!" Chen Yue said: "If she is not suitable for fighting here, don't take it out." If she remembered correctly, the ants here are a complete group, and the soldier ants are just opening the way. Pioneer, his level is not high, he looks like level four or five, but he looks a little scary, but it's okay to be scary: "Maybe this captain's zoo will have a new member!"

A few soldier ants tentatively climbed up the dune!

The appearance of the soldier ants was exposed in front of everyone.

The tentacles more than a foot long, the whole body is the size of a puppy, and the whole body has a metallic luster.

"Brother Meng, how many soldier ants are there in a group?" Sun Lan grabbed Meng Fei's sleeve. She watched one soldier ant climb up the dune, her eyes widening.

If people with intensive phobias see this scene in front of them, they may be scared to death!

Densely packed, countless soldier ants about the size of a puppy rustled up the sand dunes.

"Look at the size of the ant colony. At least it's thousands or tens of thousands. For a large ant colony, it's tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands!" Meng Fei said, so many ants are only the size of a puppy, even if he is a The big man couldn't help but his scalp was numb.

There was a sound of cold air all around.

"As for it?" Chen Yue held back her smile: "They look scary and not at all powerful. I told the tree frog to eat it, and it all dislikes it, so don't be nervous!"

The thing that excites the tree frog has not yet appeared, and the really difficult thing is still far away from them. The tree frog is interested, and Chen Yue is also interested. Hearing Chen Yue's relaxed tone, Sun Lan snorted

: "Cut, you scared me, it turned out to be scary! No need for a little hedgehog to shoot! I'm coming!"

The nearest soldier ants jumped over.

The poor soldier ant didn't make a sound before it was electrocuted, and the smell of burnt protein gave off an alluring aroma, a bit like the smell of fried eggs.

The smell excited Sun Lan, making the army ants restless, and the tide rushed over the sand dunes and rushed towards the crowd.

The rustling sound and the dense swarm of squirming insects will make the scalp tingle for anyone who sees it.

"It's really easy to deal with, just one at a time," Sun Lan continued to discharge.

"I'll come too." Hu Xing followed Sun Lan closely, and released wooden thorns around, the wooden thorns easily penetrated the soldier ants' bodies, and the soldier ants collapsed to the ground with a snap, and they didn't move after a few struggles: "It's very It's easy to deal with, Lan Lan, put the earth thorns, and you can attack in groups!" There was a large group, and Sun Lan's electricity was electric, and it couldn't finish the electricity in the year of the monkey and the month of the horse.

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