Chapter 14: I never meant to

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His words hit close to home for me. I was introduced at the end of volume 3 and became canon in volume 4, so I never really was a part of the original team's dynamics. So, to hear Jaune talk about Pyrrha this way gave me a new perspective about telling Ruby how I felt. 

She ran away, but that was because I dared to say to her how I felt instead of suffering in silence. I could've let fear run my life, but I didn't; I got to tell the girl of my dreams I loved her, and I'm happy about that. Even though she didn't give me a response, at least now I don't have to worry about telling her the truth anymore; instead, I have to wait to hear about her feelings when she comes back.

Pyrrha just stood there watching us. She looked sad when Jaune shed a tear and wanted to comfort him. Jaune stood up and took Pyrrha's hands off her ears.

"You'll be fine, Oscar," he said, "just make sure that you're ready to talk it out next time you see her. Make sure all that you have to say gets out of your system; then you can truly be honest with her and yourself. And remember this if nothing else; don't depend on love, love depends on you," he began to walk out, and Pyrrha waved goodbye to me smiling.

"See you when we get back," Pyrrha said, closing the door. Now I was all by myself in the apartment. Team SSSNN was doing something, so only team CFVY were at home, but Coco and Velvet enjoyed sleeping while Fox and Yatsuhashi were out getting breakfast. I just sat at home for a few hours staring at a blank tv screen. I had to fully digest what Jaune had told me and wrap my head around Ruby and my confession.

I decided to go for a walk to clear my head. I walked down the street watching children play at the park with their parents; birds were chirping, all the stuff that reminded me of the farm in the city. Now, if only he didn't show up, I'd feel much more at ease. I continued walking until I found myself at the water's edge. I stared at Beacon in the distance, thinking about what it must've been like to be with Ruby and the others. Would I still be in this situation if I were on their or any other team? I can only imagine what Ruby feels after all the time we spent together.

Ruby's POV:

I was on an airship headed to the tundra where a mass outbreak of Sabers was charging to Mantle. For some reason, there weren't any Megoliaths, which was a good thing since they're so hard to deal with but also isn't because they usually attack with the Sabers. So if they weren't here, where were they? I was sitting with my team and team JNPR as we were about to enter the drop zone. 


Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

The look on Oscar's face when I ran was glued to the back of my eyelids. I must be the worst person in the world to do something like that to him. He made me cinnamon rolls for my hangover, took care of me when I was drunk, and I trusted him with my worries, so why did I run away when he did something as small as telling me his feelings for me? As I thought about this, I noticed Nora was scowling at me.

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