Oneshot No. 425 (3208 Words)

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"Stop," I say.

"George, you can go wait in the car if you want to..." Drista suggests very quietly. George glares at her, but she looks down at her hands. Dream reaches out to hold Drista's hand. She moves over a little bit to sit next to him.

George stands up. "I'd get away from him if I were you. He called me family but he fucked me over anyways."

Then, I see it in Dream's eyes. The same look he had at 1am that night when we were out. He gets up, and immediately I grab Drista and hold her tight to me, because before you know it, Dream knocks George straight out with his fist to George's head. I turn Around and have Drista look just at me.

"It's okay, it's okay, c'mon, let's get out," I say, ushering her out of the room. Her heart is pounding. I quickly get her out of there, but rush back in.

Dream kneels over George and keeps punching him, even though George is knocked cold out unconscious. It's only now when a guard tackles Dream off of George, starts yelling at Dream to put his hands behind his back and face the wall.

A guard kneels down and cuffs Dream, gets him up, then shoves him against the wall. A few inmates are cheering, they clearly like Dream. Dream is smiling.

"Don't know why you're smiling Cooper. That's another 8 months to your sentence. You're getting your red taken off you, and you're at tier 0."

"Wh- did you not hear what he was saying?!" Dream starts arguing with the officer, and two more officers come over whilst the other two in the room sit George up and call down an ambulance, all whilst Dream keeps yelling at them. I have never seen him so angry.

Then, just when I thought it couldn't get worse, Dream somehow manages out of his cuffs, and before an officer can taze him, he punches the officer clean in the temple. He's screaming curse words, yelling at everyone in there. An officer pulls out his tazer, but it's not working. Dream takes the chance and punches the same officer against, and he falls backward onto the table. He's knocked out. Jesus Christ. Then, in through the back door whilst Dream is threatening to kill one of them, a chemist-looking man comes up behind him, stabs him with a syringe. Almost immediately, like a movie scene, Dreams body goes limp. They catch him, lay him down. An officer approaches me.

"No court case. His sentence will be extended by 2 years, and he'll have to move facilities. This is a mild to extreme prison, he needs to be in a maximum prison. Top of the rankings. His escape would propose a state emergency, the man you have on your hands is... unbelievably violent. We thought him getting his red would soothe him, but-"

"Okay, but- you- he was provoked by my friend."

"What did your friend say?"

"He turned to Clay's little sister and said, 'I'd get away from him if I were you. He called me family but he fucked me over anyways.' And the guy who said that was the battery charge Clay got in trouble for. He knew that would get him in shit. Don't transfer him, please. He was- he- he was just angry, and-"

"Okay. We won't. But his sentence is still extended."



I'm nervous to see Clay for the first time since he almost killed George. George is still in PT. He is basically blind. He cannot see out of his left eye. He cannot see half his vision on his right. His nose is so fucked he lost his sense of smell and his jaw is barely working. His sternum is messed, so is his collarbone. He hates Clay with everything in him. We told everyone what happened, and there are a lot of mixed emotions. People are mainly on George's side. But about 20% understand where Clay was coming from and think George should not have provoked him so much.

dream smp oneshotsssss 😎 PART 3Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang