Getting to Know Each Other

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Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook all went to help Y/n go and pack her things to move her in. She was very grateful for them allowing her to stay with them. She didn't want to impose for too long, so she planned to get a job to start saving her money to move out as soon as possible.

"Thank you guys for helping me. I don't have much, so I could have gotten it alone. But I definitely appreciate the help," stated Y/n as they boxed up the last of her few items.

"Don't be silly. We don't mind helping," stated Taehyung with his boxy smile. She returned it with a dimpled smile of her own. He put a finger inside the right one and she giggled.

"Sorry, but I'm a sucker for girls with dimples. As our song says, that dimple is illegal," he joked as both Jimin and Jungkook smirked and rolled their eyes, both knowing Tae was flirting. Who could blame him, she was gorgeous.

"I do love them as well. I see your tall friend has some very cute and deep ones," she smiled as Jimin and Jungkook laughed. She looked at them. 

"You two have dimples, too," she smiled causing a slight blush to form on their cheeks. 

"Ok, ok, let's get going," Tae finally spoke. 

They grabbed what was left in the room and headed back to their dorm. Once there, she settled into her new temporary room to unpack everything. Her room was really like a finished basement. It had a private entry, restroom, bedroom, and living area. It even had a small kitchen area. Pretty much, it was like her own apartment. Once her few belongings were put away, she went back to the living room area to find all the guys in there watching TV. They all looked up at her.

"All packed away?" Namjoon questioned with that sexy, dimpled smile causing her to give her own in return. This was going to be hard being under one roof with all these nice looking young men.

"Yes; Thank you all again. I will try and find a job as quickly as I can to save up enough money to move out as soon as I can, I promise," Y/n stated as she took a seat on the coffee table in front of the sofas they were all seated at.

"Really, it's no hurry. We're hardly here as it is when we're out promoting. How do you like the space we gave you?" questioned Jin.

"I really like it. Thanks. Is there anything I can do for you guys to show my gratitude for letting me stay here?" she questioned as she crossed her legs. 

It didn't go unnoticed to her the way some of their eyes stared at her legs. She hid her smile, but she knew the effect she had on men. That was one of the reasons why her ex was so jealous all the time. Most times, she wasn't even trying to get attention, but she got it. It gave her self confidence that she never had when she was younger. It was quite the opposite actually. Her body developed way quicker than most of her peers, so she was 15 with the body of a woman twice her age. She had double D breasts, a 24-inch waist, and 34-inch hips. Her bottom was smooth and round. It wasn't too big, wasn't too small. Just right for her measurements. Right now, she was wearing a pair of short, dark blue jean shorts and a small, white tank top. She could still feel the stares and glanced to her left and saw Jungkook and Taehyung both quickly turn their heads.

"No, we extended the offer, so you don't need to do anything," replied Jimin who found himself looking at her full lips that she freshly glossed up before coming up to the main floor. Yoongi elbowed him when he saw him staring. He noticed the two youngest members staring as well, so he knew she could feel the stares.

"Sorry about these knuckleheads staring at you. They're not making you uncomfortable are they?" he questioned.

"No. Not to sound conceited, but I'm kind of used to the attention. I'm actually kind of flattered to be honest. Y'all are the big stars who see millions of beautiful fans all the time," she stated as she placed her elbows on her crossed legs. 

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