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His Broken Spell Part 1 (Mateo's POV)

Mateo Beaufort was having the time of his life. He stared at the setting sun, creating sparkles of yellow and orange hue on the water. There were children and adults playing at the seashore, building sandcastles, and collecting shells.

This small coven welcomed sorcerers and travelers such as himself. He was thinking of a relaxing time before he went back to his own coven.

Little did he know that the peaceful scene in front of him would soon be bathed in blood.

A scream pierced through the twilight air, breaking the tranquil atmosphere. He whirled around and saw that the camp had been infiltrated by otherworldly creatures. He knew about them since they always visit the Terrestrial Sphere for important businesses, but then the passageway closed a few weeks back.

He was startled at the sight of them and confused on why they were attacking. He was up his feet when he witnessed his kind getting mangled by an Ethereal creature, a merfolk. He ran fast to grab the child that was taken into the sea but his path was blocked by one merfolk who transformed to its human form.

Physical strength would not be enough to fight with the Ethereals so he used his magic. He sensed that the other adult sorcerers around also fought. However, it was clear that they were surprised. Even if his kind were not outnumbered, the battle was in favor of who had the force and not the quantity.

He was momentarily paralyzed when he witnessed a merfolk ripping one of the sorcerers' chest. Blood spluttered around and as if it was not enough of a gore scene, the merfolk's sharp teeth bit into the victim's heart.

Bile rose to his throat when another merfolk joined in devouring the heart.

Terrified screams and children's cries filled his senses. Something broke in him and he suddenly became angry. He fought and fought but the Ethereal creatures were unstoppable so he had no other choice but to flee. He grabbed the children that he passed by and ran. Other sorcerers also ran with him, until they were no longer near the beach.

When they found a safe place to hide, they discussed what happened. And that was how he realized that the merfolks had gone crazy because of the lack of magic. They were searching for sustenance and their target were his people.

They could not stay in large groups so he bid the sorcerers goodbye. He needed to warn his coven of the impending terror.

Upon arrival at their coven grounds, nothing was left.

It was barricaded by police tape and humans thought that it was a case of a psychopath's massacre. The authorities were investigating, the news said.

Before, there was only a crack inside of him. But now? He was completely shattered.

He wandered aimlessly, not caring if one of the Ethereal creatures would find him. But it changed one day when he was tackled to the ground with no other than Bill, his coven member. He did not fight back because he deserved it. He was not there to protect the coven, instead he was selfishly exploring the world.

However, Bill was not tackling him out of anger but out of joy. The coven member was joyful that there was another member who survived aside from him and Colin.

Months passed and they met Johnathan and Ino. They decided to sail away from the Southern Continent and arrived at the Western Continent. They tried to look for other covens but only met one with three members.

But they refused to be involved with them since their goal was too dangerous. Mateo and the rest of the team carried on looking for other sorcerers. They also wanted to investigate the closed portals but they could not make use of their resources well.

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