Chapter 17

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The journey back to the manor was uneventful for Dionne because she was asleep through it. She was woken up by Theodore when they arrived.

"We're here, Dionne," he said. "Do you want me to carry you back to your room?"

"No, it's fine. I think I can walk," she said. But when she tried to do so, her ankle protested.

"I'm not a healer but I think you shouldn't strain it. Let me carry you," he offered again.

And that's what he did. She saw that the sorcerers were also heading to the left wing along with Von and other vampires.

Colin whistled as he observed the entirety of the mansion, "This place is enormous!"

"Yes and we have plenty of vacant rooms that you can occupy at the moment. Choose whichever room you want but only on the first floor of the left wing," Von said.

"Why would you give us rooms?" Johnathan asked.

"You're our guests here. I gathered you'd want to freshen up and rest first before we go to the basement. We'd send clean clothes to your chosen rooms."

"I don't trust this guy," Colin whispered to Bill but everyone else heard it.

"Again, you don't have a choice. You've been hiding for years now, I thought you'd be excited to lie on real beds or eat home-cooked meals without having to worry about security?" he said enticingly.

Even though she knew that this coven had millions in several bank accounts, it could not provide them with huge properties or mouth watering delicacies because they always needed to be on the move.

Dionne could see Ino's reaction at the mention of bed and food. Clearly, this grown man spent his youth in scarcity and hiding. It must have been a long time since these sorcerers experienced simple luxuries.

"Alright. But I suppose we shouldn't be sleeping at this time. Maybe we can meet up in an hour to get on with our purpose here," Bill said.

"I agree but make it two hours. I'll send for the healers to check your wounds, too." Von replied.

Bill nodded. "We want to speak directly to the head of the family for this important business."

"You're already speaking to him," Von said in a serious note. "While Irina is away, all decisions in this household go through me. We'll also be joined by another second in command. Her name's Annette, and she handles The House."

"Irina. It's been a long time since I've seen that woman," Colin said to himself.

They were already in front of Dionne's room so she did not know what else the others were talking about. Theodore settled her on the bed.

"I'll go ask Karyl to check on you and maybe help you with the bath," he said before he left.

A few minutes later, Karyl entered her room and helped her prepare for her bath but the healer left immediately to attend to Ino's wounds. When Dionne was done, she found that Karyl was back.

"I'm so proud of you, sweetie. We've never achieved this much without your help," Karyl said as she braided Dionne's hair.

"Thank you. I never thought that I could really use all the skills that the family taught me," she replied. Before their conversation could progress, someone was knocking at the door.

"I'll get it," Karyl proceeded to open the door.

"I'm sorry! I thought I was in the right room."

"Are you looking for Dionne?"


"Then you're in the right room," Karyl replied as she opened the door wider, revealing Dionne seated on the bed.

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