Chapter 35

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It was an ordinary day in 1987. Or maybe not so ordinary. After all, it was the day that she stirred awake after half a century of slumber.

Irina explained, or at least tried to explain, how Dionne came to be. She was introduced to the Huxley's. She must admit that she was surprised when she learned about their nature. But she had to believe them and accept their truth.

During her recovery, it was made known to her what the Terrestrial Sphere was currently facing. They told her about the portals closing on their own and they had not opened again ever since.

"A seer told us that a human from the future holds the key to ending the chaos that we're in," Irina began.

"And she strongly believed that that person was you," Annette added.

"That's why we have to work on regaining your memories, sweetie. You might know how to unlock the portals again," Karyl coaxed her.

She tried to absorb everything that was thrown her way. She was beyond grateful that the Huxley's welcomed her and taught her everything she knew. But there was this nagging feeling inside her that told her to persevere because she needed to avoid being a burden to them. This led to her frustration because she could not walk and move her muscles at will.

"Learning how to stand up and walk again takes some time. Trust the process," Gandhi reminded her.

And so she did.

It brought wonders on how she was able to learn how to fight from being barely able to move; how she did not know a lot of things but after the company of books, her mind was filled with new knowledge.

"How are you coping?" Irina asked one day.

"Fine. I am becoming better each day. Thank you," she replied gratefully.

"Theodore and Jugger told me that you might have been feeling unhappy lately. I'm not sure what to think of this. I just assume that you don't like noisy surroundings."

"I like their presence but I can only tolerate so much."

"I completely understand. But are you?"

"I believe what I am feeling is melancholy, yes," she admitted.


She explained how in the silence of the evening, she would be disturbed by how loud her thoughts were.

Even though she tried her best to fit in, she felt like she did not belong with them. It was as if she had no one.

"What do you mean? You have me."

And Irina did her best to comfort her by patting her on the head.


She did not know back then that she failed in casting the last spell that she did. And because of that, she had been living in a different body for the past year. She remembered being Dionne, with blonde hair and blue eyes. But when she woke up, the face that greeted her on the mirror was actually Esmeralda's.

Where could Esme be now? Did she die?

Dionne did not know. But one thing was clear. She was able to save her best friend's body but not her soul.

Suddenly, there was a loud banging that made her mind alert. She realized then that she was unconscious. But she knew that she was not dreaming. All the things that she had seen were real. They were her memories.

There was a tightened feeling blooming in her chest. A wave of sorrow hit her as she realized the reality. More than fifty years had passed and she survived but Esme was gone.

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