Chapter 26

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The House needed the help of the sorcerers. One of its vampire escorts gathered an intel that there was a sighting of faeries in the south of the continent, Province of Casa Llanes. However, when Annette sent a group of vampires for reconnaissance, the faeries were no longer found. The good thing was that they left a trail behind them.

Johnathan agreed to help The House by luring the group of faeries out of their hiding spot. And what more could ensnare the Ethereal creatures than the thing that they were yearning for — magic.

Magic would entice them like a moth to a flame.

So, the vampires and the sorcerers prepared for their first mission together. Dionne spent her days reviewing the plan that Annette and Johnathan created. Her magic was also surprisingly growing day by day.

"Now, I think we're all set for tonight?" Johnathan asked everyone who was in one of the meeting rooms in the right wing.

"Yes. Hopefully, we'd be successful in negotiating with them," Annette said.

"We should first hope that we could locate them," Johnathan reminded.

"Of course. How about you, Ino and Dionne?"

"We are ready," both of them answered simultaneously.

All the vampire escorts who were in the mission were also in the meeting room. They were given their own instructions and they had reviewed and prepared for them in the past days.

"Alright. Final assembly is at 2100 here in this meeting room. And ETD is at 2130. Raise your questions so we can discuss them," Annette announced.

No one raised their hands.

"Well then, meeting dismissed."

During Dionne's trial mission, she was nervous, terrified at the notion of small talks, and crowds. But the current mission was different. It would not involve an extravagant party and glittering dresses like before.

This one made her even more nervous despite the absence of superficial interactions. Because this mission entailed a lot of caution. Now she had something valuable that could cause her life.

She walked towards the courtyard to clear her head. She still had hours before their final assembly so she could still meditate. She sat on the ground in front of the fountain.

Once she closed her eyes, her mind was only filled with the sound of water rushing. It brought her peace but that peace was shattered when she felt a nearby presence.

Someone was watching her.

She tried to disregard it, thinking that it could only be one of the maids or vampire escorts. She could not feel any magic but it could also be Ino or Johnathan, using their suppressing spell the same way that she was using hers at the moment.

The person was approaching and she began to be curious. When she opened her eyes, she was greeted by Mateo's approaching form.

He was already near her when she opened her eyes and she could see that his usually neat hair was unkempt today, and he was carrying a travel bag on his left shoulder. There were also creases on his shirt and pants. She noticed that those were not the only thing that was creased.

He was frowning at her.

"Mateo," she greeted with a wide smile, still confused by his reaction.

She stood up as he said, "Your reaction time is so slow, Dionne. You should've sensed me minutes ago."

But she did sense him. She just did not realize that it was him, the man that she was starting to like.

"What if I'm the enemy? How will —"

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