Chapter 6

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The room was silent for a few seconds as both tried to gather their thoughts — Dionne on mistaking the man for being a butler and the man for being mistaken as one.

"But you look like a butler," she admitted because she still could not believe that she was wrong for assuming.

"I don't know if I should be offended or not," he murmured.

"No, you should not because butlers are very hardworking. An estate or even an empire would not be maintained without them," she explained.

"Then, thanks for mistaking me for a butler?" he said in a way that was more of a question.

"You are welcome." Wanting to explain herself further, she said, "Also, I meant that you are wearing clothes that are similar to our butlers' uniforms."

Dionne could not understand why the expression on the man's face morphed into embarrassment.

"Oh, alright. They're just clothes." he said more to himself than to her. Then after a few more seconds, he asked, "Without considering my clothes, how do I look?"

She stared at him and assessed. He was maybe a foot and a half taller than her. His skin was not too pale but not too rosy either. He had dark brown hair combed slightly to the side, but there were few strands that stuck to different directions. He had gray eyes, straight nose, full lips, and shaved jaw.

He did not look too striking as the vampires in the family and The House did. The man was clearly human. Still, his face and stature also did not match the human clients that she had seen in The House.

His looks were different. He looked...rare.

The man seemed to be frustrated when she did not answer right away. She saw him step forward, only a few inches from her, as if to give her a better view for scrutiny. Well, she had really good eyesight so there was really no need for the man to get near her.

"How do I look?" he asked in a low voice.

"Beautiful." It was the only word that came to her mind.


"You look like a prince in the classic picture books that I read."

Dionne saw that the man's eyes widened.

"Wow, that escalated quickly," he murmured.

She was confused. What escalated quickly? She only answered his question. She even took a few seconds to assess his features before she could give a valid evaluation. On the contrary, she was not quick to answer him. She was about to ask what he meant but there was a vampire staff member who entered the office.

"Good morning," the staff greeted both of them.

The vampire, whose name tag states that she was Kymme, approached her and said, "I'm sorry you had to entertain our new client, Miss Dionne. Let me handle it from here."

"I apologize. I accidentally brought him here. I thought he was a butler."

Kymme was clearly shocked at her admission.

"Now, I know that he was not, so he should not be here."

"What do you mean by I shouldn't be here?" he asked Dionne.

Oh no. Did she offend him, perhaps?

"Non-members of The House are not allowed in the second floor offices," she tried to explain.

Kymme seemed to panic as she interjected, "Sir, what she meant to say is that your membership application needs to be processed first before we can have business deals in this floor's offices. When you become an official client, we can proceed to discussing your requests for escorts."

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