Chapter 23

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Several days passed and she was able to wield elemental magic without being too exhausted after. She would often sneak into the basement and practice. It was an addicting feeling for her to be able to manipulate the elements. Too bad she could not do this anywhere else other than the basement.

She wanted to wield magic out in the open. And to be able to do that, she needed to create a barrier to conceal her magic. Mateo already taught her the suppressing spell but she was more interested in the cloaking spell.

"Are you sure you want to try this now?" Mateo asked.

"Yes. I can learn them simultaneously," she tried to convince him that she could practice suppressing spell and cloaking spell at the same time.

"I just don't want you to over exert your energy. You haven't mastered the suppressing spell yet and the cloaking spell is more complicated," he said as they stepped out of the hoist and entered the basement.

"I know it is going to be hard. But I will not push myself beyond my limit," she said with conviction.

He was quiet as he pondered about Dionne's request. Well, he told her that he would do anything if she gave him the puppy eyes, she thought. It worked the last time because he cooked the meal that she asked for.

In that time, Mateo improvised and made some changes in the recipe because they had different ingredients in the kitchen. He tried to teach her how to cut the vegetables and meat but she did it very, very slowly. She was annoyed if the sizes weren't the same. He waited patiently for her to finish chopping everything even though he could do it in mere seconds. The supposedly two hour cooking session became three, but the meal tasted delicious so it was worth the wait.

So, should she do it again?

She looked at him and she was about to do it but he beat her by saying, "Alright. Alright," he held his hands up. "Please, don't. I know what you're up to and I want to be able to concentrate on our training. So I'll just agree with you after I assess your strength."

"Thank you," she gladly replied.

"But, we'll master the suppressing spell first. Then, I would start teaching you the basics on cloaking spell," he agreed eventually.

They met Johnathan and Ino in the basement. She greeted the two as they neared them.

"You'll be joining us today?" Johnathan asked.

"No. I will not interfere in your activities," she said, referring to the strengthening of the basement's shield. "I would like to learn the spell and practice first."

"Good call. The cloaking spell is delicate as it is," he nodded and turned his attention back to what they were doing before. Mateo and Dionne then proceeded to their makeshift room.

"You say you've read the instructions beforehand?" he asked while the two settled in the middle of the room.


"You have to remember that casting spells is different from what we did with the elements. Elemental magic comes naturally to us. As I said, party trick."

He explained that when sorcerers cast a spell, they need to know what enchantment to recite. Thus, they needed to memorize several spells.

"You can use elemental magic to attack your enemies and defend yourself. To do that, you have to transform the elemental magic to offensive or defensive magic."

"I understand. I already memorized some spells from the book that you let me read."

"Good thing that you know the Ilboc language," he commented. "But memorization alone is not enough. You have to learn where to get that magic energy and how to transform it to another form."

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