Chapter 36

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The two sorceresses were given scarce food in mockery of nourishment. As Jacquelyn said, the werewolves only allowed them to go to the bathroom to relieve themselves but not to bathe.

Thankfully, the werewolves had not yet collected their ration of blood so they were able to quietly formulate their plan with the help of Jacquelyn.

Dionne created a safe space where they can communicate. The spell prevented the werewolves, who have sensitive hearing, from listening to their schemes.

"Before you arrived here, there were a total of twenty-one werewolves in the building. Some of them must've been captured or died while hunting for sorcerers because there's only fourteen left."

Dionne nodded, thinking about the werewolves that she fought with Mateo.

"Then there are nine prisoners, including the two of us. We are fed twice a day and given bathroom breaks once a day. That means that the werewolves have their rounds every eight hours."

The two sorceresses bid their time, observing, listening, and planning.

Then, it was time to execute their plan.

"Oy, the two of you, get up. It's time for your bathroom break," shouted one werewolf who entered the room while another one proceeded to unlock the chains that bound their hands.

Dragging the ball and chain that hindered them from walking properly, Dionne and Jacquelyn followed the werewolves towards the bathroom outside. There were no windows in the corridor and the toilet was at the end of the hall.

As soon as the four of them entered the bathroom, Dionne looked at Jacquelyn and gave the signal.

"Ahh! My... stomach. Please help. It hurts," Jacquelyn appeared to be sick.

"I don't have time for this," one werewolf said.

As the two wolves approached Jacquelyn, Dionne drew blood from her injured hand and used the red liquid to draw a symbol on the mirror.

"Hey, you! What are you doing?" The werewolf shouted.

Before the man lurched at her, Dionne already recited the spell in her mind. "Imak nutilapgap."

There was a flash of green light and suddenly, Dionne and Jacquelyn were the only people remaining in the bathroom.

"Please tell me you grabbed it?" Dionne asked.

"Of course," Jacquelyn smiled as she held out the ring of keys.

Both of them looked at the mirror and they could see the two werewolves trapped on the other side. The two men were flailing their arms and pounding through the glass as if trying to break free. They must be cursing them right now, but no sound can be heard.

"That was amazing!" Jacquelyn exclaimed in awe.

"Believe me, Dark Magic is anything but."

They unlocked the ball and chain trapping their ankles. Then they tiptoed quietly along the hallway.

"When we pass by the werewolf guards, what they will see is not our faces but the appearance of their two comrades who are now trapped in that mirror. Also, remember to avoid mirrors."

"I understand the spell but why avoid mirrors?"

"Because our reflection on the mirrors will show our true identities. Once another person identifies us, the enchantment will be dispelled."

"What if someone sees the trapped wolves in the mirror?"

"No one else can see them except the two of us. Do not worry, just avoid mirrors."

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