Chapter 20

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A week passed and she was quick to recover. The others already left for their missions while those who remained in the manor did their usual routines.

While Bill and Colin already traveled, Johnathan and Ino were still staying behind.

"It'll be a few more days or weeks even, until we can reinforce the suppressing spell in the basement," Johnathan said as he entered the living room where she was reading. Ino was also following behind and he proceeded towards the dessert table to munch on the cookies.

"The two sorcerers who put it there did a great job. Even with the three of us doing the job, we still can't reinforce it completely," Mateo said upon entering the room.

As the days went by, Mateo let her read some magic books that they brought with them. His time was mostly occupied with the potion and the basement so they could not properly start their training. It was alright for her since she needed to learn the basics about magic before she could dive into the hard parts.

"Why is it so hard to be reinforced?" she asked curiously.

"We believe that the sorcerers who helped The House were ancient ones because the suppressing spell was different and strong, too. We have to study and learn the incantation they used to make the reinforcement compatible," Mateo explained as he sat beside her, offering a cup of coffee.

She gladly accepted the warm drink. "What about the potion?"

"The potion they created is still powerful and a hundred percent effective despite being concealed. The heavy magic that it emits won't even attract the Ethereal creatures," Johnathan observed. "It drained our magic energy just to create half a jar of that potion."

He further explained that once a sorcerer casted a suppressing spell in a space, like the manor's basement, magic inside was supposed to be restrained. So, it was a wonder why or how the potion's effect was not affected.

"I guess it's safe to conclude that what we have in the basement is not a suppressing spell. It's really different, I tell you," Johnathan added.

"How do you know that you're doing the right thing when you recreate the potion or try to strengthen the suppressing spell?"

"We've been reading the instructions they left. We hope that we can follow through but honestly, I don't think we could do it perfectly," Mateo said after sipping his coffee.

"Yes, we can still do it but not as good as what those two sorcerers created," Johnathan added.

Moments later, Ino and Johnathan decided to retire to their bedrooms, saying they needed to recuperate after exhausting a lot of their magic.

"Do you not need to rest, too?" she asked Mateo because he did not follow the other two.

"I'm resting now," he said as he lay down on the sofa with a book in his hands.

"I believe you will be more comfortable in your room."

"No, I'm good. So which part are you in?"

Dionne looked at the three books that she finished reading in the past week. They were huge and thick books mostly containing the history of sorcery and the evolution of magic. She glanced down at the fourth book on her lap which was about the teachings on casting spells.

"Casting spells," she said.

"Good. Tomorrow we'll start off learning how to release your magic. Then the first spell that you have to learn is the suppressing spell," he said while leafing through the pages of his pocket-sized book.

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