Chapter 11

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Dionne noticed that Mateo's boss was looking at her with regard before Mateo's voice broke her line of thought.

"Mr. Regis, allow me to introduce Di—"

"Dee," she interjected. She was using a nickname for this job.

Mateo seemed to easily catch up. "Dee, this is my boss, Mr. Bill Regis. Sir, this is Dee, my friend."

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Regis," she said.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, too, Dee. Please just call me Bill," he smiled but it did not reach his eyes. They shook hands and she instantly felt weirdly comfortable with his presence.

Mr. Regis had black hair and warm brown eyes. He looked to be a little over forty years old but of course, Dionne was still older even though she did not look like it.

Introductions were made around the table since all the six seats were now occupied. When Charlie and the rest of the business people seemed to be immersed in conversation, she turned towards Mateo.

"I am surprised that you are here."

"Me, too. I thought you only work in management. I didn't know that you also do this stuff," he said since he could not really voice out that Dionne was an escort.

"I told you before. I do whatever is asked of me," she said. "So, what are you planning to buy?"

"This is actually a rushed decision. We had to secure an invite at the last minute because we heard a very old amphora from Ascatan Dunes will be auctioned tonight."

So, that was why their names were not on the guest list that she studied, she thought.

"I see. Your boss likes collecting antiques?"

"Specifically old jars and pots. How 'bout your companion? Anything catches his eye?"

"I am not sure. He is still contemplating on buying a painting or sculpture."

A few more minutes and the auction began. While the masters of the ceremony explained about the item on stage, she would also supply information that might raise Charlie's interest. Her client nodded and appreciated her help. In the end, Charlie bid for the painting.

"I think it would look great on the bare wall in your building's lobby. Wouldn't you agree, Dee?" one of the ladies seated with them complemented.

Dionne did not have any idea about the lobby that the woman was talking about. If she said that she had never entered Charlie's building, it would give away the fact that they were not really close acquaintances.

"That's a good suggestion, Madame. But I think that a painting as delicate as this one should not be displayed in the lobby. Perhaps, in one of your study or gallery, Charlie?" she countered.

"I was thinking of the same thing, dear," her client agreed.

"We need proper lighting and temperature to maintain its quality especially with the kind of paint used," she added.

And Charlie and the other ladies nodded in agreement as she explained some more.

"You're impressive," Mateo whispered as he leaned towards her. She was puzzled as she looked at him.

"I mean, you're really good at what you do," he praised. He meant that she was amazing at being an escort so she smiled because it made her a little confident.

After the first part of the auction, dinner was served. While waiters serve the appetizers and the main course, the guests could also enjoy the food served at the buffet table. There were several dishes to choose from.

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