Chapter 28

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Most of Dionne's time was spent sleeping and she concluded that her body was rejuvenating from the changes due to the sudden bursts of magic. Johnathan kept quiet about what he witnessed in the forest. He had not changed how he interacted with her, but his eyes were always wary of her.

A few days later, she decided to break the silence and told Mateo about it. He was her master after all.

He reassured her that they would figure it out. They just needed to work on regaining her memories as they practiced magic. That came to a sudden decision to hike again and visit the waterfalls.

"Are you sure that it's okay for you to do this, now that we are going away?" Johnathan asked as he ate his stewed beef.

"Yes. We won't be staying out for a long time. We'd be gone for only three days, just to have a little change in scenery," Mateo explained.

"I agree that a change in the environment can help. This may trigger her memories. So maybe after the waterfalls, you can go to the beach or the lake?" Karyl suggested.

Annette even chimed in. "I agree. Now that you have someone to go with you, it would be great to explore other places," she said happily, glancing at Mateo.

Much deliberation was done before Von and Johnathan finally agreed to their hike. Johnathan and Ino would begin their journey south the day after tomorrow, so they would not be able to say their goodbyes.

"Just be careful you two. We won't be able to accompany you," Johnathan reminded.

"I would only agree to this hike if you are escorted by vampires," Von added sternly. He insisted that Dionne was different now so she could not just go to the mountains without escorts like what she did before.

"And take Nadia with you."

She did not mind the added security. As long as she was able to clear her head, and remember her past, she would agree to be escorted.

She slept like a log and woke up refreshed the next day. She packed a light travel bag before she went to the dining room where she knew that Mateo was waiting for her.

"Good morning," she greeted the sorcerers having their breakfast.

"Good morning," Mateo greeted as he poured coffee in a cup and gave it to her.

Seated beside Ino, she began munching on her breakfast.

"We decided to see you out, since we won't be seeing each other for a long time," Johnathan said.

She nodded, feeling a little sad. She was already used to having them around.

"Oh, right. That reminds me that Colin called yesterday. I informed him of our departure. I hadn't told him anything much about you since I don't want him to be distracted with his mission," Johnathan added.

She nodded and asked. "How is he, by the way?"

"Good. He thinks he's near a coven of witches. He met up with Bill but they went separate ways again."

Colin and Bill were still busy looking for other sorcerers. She could imagine their fatigue from using the suppressing spell for a long time. But at least, the vampire escorts were alert to guard them when they needed to rest. Dionne also learned that they often rest in tunnels and underground spaces to help in hiding their magic out.

The couple decided that if they had not tracked anyone by the end of the week, they would go back to the manor to recuperate. They also wanted to learn the cloaking spell because it would be a great help in their pursuit.

After the breakfast, she visited Annette and Karyl to inform them that she was ready to leave. Annette introduced the two vampire escorts that would be with them and Von packed up a lot of food for them.

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