Chapter 38

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She had been in and out of consciousness for more days than she could count. She knew that Mateo had been by her side most of the time but she could feel a gap that somehow found its way between them.

When she finally recuperated, she noticed that magic was freely floating in the air.

"How come I feel my magic?" She asked as she sat up from her bed, wondering why no one was suppressing her magic.

Mateo lifted his gaze from his book. "While you were missing, Bill and Colin arrived from their missions. They were able to locate some sorcerers and they worked hard to cast a cloaking spell around the entire manor."

Her eyes widened. "Even the acres of land outside?"

He chuckled. "Not to that extent. Just the right and left wing and then the middle hall."

She nodded and her gaze settled on the fading bruises on his face. He was also neat and tidier now compared to when she saw him at the outskirts of Carmarine.

"How are you feeling now?" He asked as he poured water for her.

"I am feeling refreshed," she answered. She wanted to talk to him about things—his bruises, her memories, the awkwardness in the air—but she did not know where to start.

Suddenly, someone was knocking at the door.

"Come in."

Once the door opened, it revealed that her visitor was a limping Nadia.

"Oh I'm so relieved that you're safe now, Miss," Nadia immediately ran towards and held her hands.

"Why are you limping? And why are you crying?"

"Nothing. I'm just so glad that you're here now. And about the limp, well..." she looked down at their hands. "I ran away from an Ethereal and I didn't see where I was going because I didn't have enhanced vision. It was very dark and I tripped and rolled over the side of the mountain."

"Where was Javier? I thought he was with you."

"He was in his own tent and I was in mine. We slept separately, miss," she said defensively.

"I did not say anything about the sleeping arrangements," Dionne voiced out.

"Well, I just want no misunderstanding, miss," she said. "Back to my story, I'm a deep sleeper so when I woke up, he was already fighting with the traitor vampire."

"I see."

"After I embarrassingly lost my balance, I ran towards the cabin to warn you. I didn't know back then that my ankle was already fractured."

"It made your condition worse," Dionne concluded.

There was another knock on the door and Irina entered. The atmosphere was chilly as she swept her gaze towards Mateo, Nadia, and finally, at her.

"I'd like to speak with Dionne," the vampire said.

"Come on Nadia. Let's give them privacy," Mateo ushered Nadia out of the bedroom.

Irina walked towards the bed and sat down.

"I was enraged to learn about your disappearance so I took it out on him."

"But it was not his fault," she defended Mateo.

"I know. I killed the escort who sold you out. Still, Mateo was irresponsible and incapable of protecting you, that's why you were captured."

She shook her head. "I was at fault, not him. I got distracted when my memories suddenly rushed to me."

"It's true then. You remember everything?" Irina regarded her with those analyzing eyes.

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