Chapter 27

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She was clad in breeches and a shirt. Her usual closed shoes were replaced with field boots. Her palms were sweating as she focused on the suppressing spell that she was casting on four sorcerers, including herself. Johnathan was driving and Mateo was beside him in the passenger seat. Dionne and Ino were seated in the back.

"Dionne, you okay?" Mateo asked, turning around to face her.

"Yes. But I am feeling nervous."

All of them learned how to create a cloaking spell. After so many trials in the basement during the past months, they were able to reinforce the spell there. However, it did not apply to moving spaces like their car. That was why they resorted to suppressing spell.

"Tell me if there's a problem." Then he looked at Ino."You alright back there?"

"Yes. Besides, I'm not casting any spells yet."

The car was moving towards a province several miles away from the manor. It will take them more or less than three hours to reach Casa Llanes.

She knew that there were cars that were in front of them and there were others tailing them. All of which had vampire escorts, and Von, who insisted on going, was in one of those cars.

The plan was to stop at the foot of Mt. Llanes, a mountain range that serves as the boundary among Casa Llanes, Carmarine, and other surrounding provinces. The vampires would need to stay away from the scene but they would be patrolling the perimeter, too. If the Ethereals sense vampires around, they might not go out of their hiding places. After all, they were getting strategic because somehow, they learned that vampires were searching for them.

Too bad they did not know that the vampires were only trying to help them.

Almost three hours passed and Johnathan said that they were nearing the area. And a few minutes later, they arrived at a forest.

"We should set up tents first and settle," Johnathan instructed. The tents would provide them shelter just in case the Ethereals did not show up in their 24-hour estimated time.

There was a small clearing where they put up two tents, one for the men and one for her. "Is it time?"

Mateo looked at his pocket watch and said that the vampire escorts would have been in their respective spots at that moment. "Alright, do it."

She nodded and slowly undid the suppressing spell. Magic slowly seeped out of all of them.

How ironic it was to feel free because her magic was out in the open; but to also feel trapped because she knew that they should be hiding.

"Now, we wait," Ino said as he started to build a bonfire using his magic. The three men needed to focus on their magic to sense if Ethereal creatures were approaching.

Hours passed by, and still there was nothing. Dionne gradually recuperated from straining herself with the suppressing spell when Ino raised an alarm.

"I feel one... No. Two Ethereal creatures approaching from the west," he said and looked to his side as if waiting for someone to appear.

"I sense them too. Their fast," Johnathan said as he also positioned himself facing the west. "This can't be good. If they're that fast, it means they're in their beast form so they can fly."

"You mean to say?"

"Yes, we can assume that they're not in their right minds."

Because the Ethereal creatures needed magic essence to survive, they should conserve their magic energy since they could not get any in the Terrestrial Sphere. The fact that the approaching Ethereals were in beast form meant that they were desperate to get magic as soon as they could. They were crazy enough to waste their remaining magic energy in transforming.

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