Chapter 15

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Hearing that she was not completely human but a sorceress felt surreal. She did not want to believe them because they should not be trusted. They were her abductors after all. But how could she explain her fifty years of slumber if there was no power or whatever magic in her.

"I am still doubtful," she said.

"I'm sure it's a lot to take in. Let me get you some food and medicine first," Mateo offered.

She did not want to be left alone in a room full of strangers. But she did not call for him because although they had a budding friendship, she realized how much she did not know about him.

"While we're waiting for Mateo, let's discuss first how you become a member of their family," Bill said.

"As I said before, I cannot divulge any information," she said, choosing her family.

"We won't ask for anything private. Just tell us how you came to be and we'll also tell you how we knew that you're a sorceress," Colin suggested.

"I suppose it will not harm anyone," she contemplated. "Alright, I will only tell you about me, not my family."

"You're fiercely loyal to them," Johnathan observed.

"Of course. They took care of me. They said that I was in a vehicular accident when I was twenty-five years old, which was fifty years ago."

Mateo entered the room in that instant. He brought a first aid kit and she saw that he also had one of her favorite dishes. She looked at him with wide eyes and understanding seemed to pass between them. They talked about their favorites during the auction and he remembered.

"You cannot bribe me," she said.

He smiled at her and put the food on the table. "I wasn't planning to. I just want you to eat and no, there's no drug or poison there."

"May I?" he asked as he gestured for the ice pack.

She nodded and he placed it on her right cheek. She was about to hold on to it but Mateo said that she should continue her story instead. Her hands settled back on her lap.

"So after the accident, my parents took care of me but they were old and dying so I was transferred to the Huxley household."

"Why though?"

"I cannot say. But the head of our family fulfilled the role as my guardian. And one year ago, I woke up but could not remember anything."

They all listened to her intently.

"And you never questioned anything anymore?" Colin asked.

"I did. At first I did not believe that I was in a coma for fifty years. I had one family portrait and boxes full of my old things as proof that I did not live in this lifetime."

"They could fake it, you know," Colin added.

She pressed the blanket closer to her body. "I know that. I did not have a choice but to believe them since they are vampires, a myth to normal human beings."

"And you thought that if they are living proof that the myths truly exist, then your myth might be true?" Johnathan asked.


"What happened after you woke up last year?" Bill asked.

"My body would not cooperate with me. The first four months were crucial since I had to undergo physical therapy just so I could walk again."

"What about other stuff like your memories?" Colin further inquired.

"I still cannot remember. I meditated, trained, and studied hard until I could fit in this era."

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