Chapter 39

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The room was only illuminated by the lampshade on the bedside table. She locked the door hoping that no one would disturb her confession. She had to do it now.

"Would you like to take a seat?" She asked as she pointed at the chair but Mateo shook his head.

"I'd rather sit on the bed beside you."

She followed him towards the bed and took her place. Both of them were leaning against the headboard while Mateo's hands found hers. It was warm and just what she needed for support.

"I'm sorry about what happened that night. I couldn't protect you."

"Do not apologize. You trusted me to take care of myself. You fought beside me. So tell me, how is my captivity your fault?"

This time, Mateo looked at her. "If it's not, then why?"


It was a very difficult question to answer. Why did she pull back from him? Why could she not look at him for a long time?

"Because, I am extremely ashamed of what I had done," she whispered back.

Then, the words tumbled out without control. She recounted the harsh memories of her early days. Confessing to him was entirely different from the way she disclosed it with Irina.

She bared her past to him.

His collected and steady hands held her shaky ones as she told him about how she survived back then.

Not once did his gaze waver. His gray eyes looked at hers like he was peeking directly into her soul. She could not see judgment in them, only understanding. And most importantly, he gave her his full attention.

He listened.

" I was afraid to meet your eyes. I was scared that you would see the guilt in there and I was not yet ready to explain."

"So what if I did see the guilt in your eyes? I would only feel relieved," He caressed her jaw and kissed her forehead. "Relieved that you didn't feel proud of what you did, relieved that you weren't unsympathetic."


"You were remorseful of what you did and that in itself tells me what kind of person you are."

She felt hot tears threaten to appear in her eyes. And through her blurry vision he could see affection reflected on his face.

"You told me that you spent time in servitude with humans. It won't erase what you did, but your heart fought with evil. Your compassion prevailed, Dionne," he whispered.

His lips touched hers, soothing her nerves. It was so delicate and reassuring unlike the kisses that they shared before. She knew that the kiss was only meant to comfort her but when his tongue swept hers, she could not help herself but to moan.

She was eager but she had to keep the flames at bay. She had one last thing to tell him.

"Wait, wait. I had to tell you something else," she whispered, trying to steady her breathing.

"What is it?" He asked as he buried his face on her shoulders.

"During the accident, I tried to cast a spell to save Esmeralda. I had no experience wielding that spell before but still I cast it. In the end, I trapped my soul in her body."

She felt him stiffen. Then he looked at her.

"I'm not sure I understand."

"The spell was supposed to extend my life essence to heal her wounds. But since I took the risk with the spell, I guess I did not only connect my life essence to her but transfer my entire life essence. My desire to heal her happened," she smiled sadly. "Her body was healed, but she did not survive."

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