Chapter 80| Xin Ying and Ru Qin's Wicked Plan

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'They are very serious about it...Wang Lei is madly in love with him. You should know by seeing how he acts with him...completely different from the way he ever acted around anyone...he treated Huang Dewei like his he is the most precious thing to Wang Lei. That's why we should help each other because you have no idea how much power Huang Dewei would hold if he give birth to his child. He already has Wang Lei and then he will also be a parent of the future Emperor. ' Xin Ying said as she tried to draw a picture in front of him and Ru Qin felt his heart had dropped. He felt heartbroken while he stayed quiet. Xin Ying looked at him as she continued speaking to convince him further.

'I wanted his love but it won't be possible and I have accepted that. Hence, now all I want is the power which I will gain after giving birth to his child and you wanted him back in your life and that is only possible with Huang Dewei vanishing away from his life.' Xin Ying said and Ru Qin looked at him as he nodded his head. He had reached his decision. He was already here now he does not want to give up this easily.

'How I can help you with that?' Ru Qin asked determined and Xin Ying smiled realising that she had convinced him.

'Make Wang Lei cheat on Huang Dewei by any means. We need to separate them and loyalty is the most important factor between the two...we have to break that loyalty.' Xin Ying said and Ru Qin was taken back by her suggestion. She was here with a plan and she knew what she wanted. She seems like a scary woman. Ru Qin thought.

'Do you think this will work?' Ru Qin asked as Xin Ying's smile deepen.

'Yes, even I can forcibly sleep with Wang Lei if I wanted to but that will not count as cheating and Huang Dewei might forgive since I am his wife, but with will break them apart. Huang Dewei won't forgive cheating and I know him more than anyone else.' Xin Ying said as she was smiling and Ru Qin had no idea what she meant that she knew Huang Dewei since he was unaware of their affair.

'How we will do that?' Ru Qin asked

'I have a plan and I will let you know. We will talk again soon.' Xin Ying said ad Ru QIn nodded his head as she thought hard about his decision to help Xin Ying. Was he doing right? Wang Lei forgave him, but does he want to cause him more pain now? Xin Ying looked at him one last time then turned over and walked off while leaving Ru Qin with his worried and anxious thoughts.

Wang Lei opened the door as he entered inside and walked toward Huang Dewei who was sleeping. His head was on the table while files were opened in front of him but he was deep in sleep. Wang Lei could not help and smile. He must be tired while working. He could tell he had been working very hard for the past few days on that corruption case. Wang Lei thought maybe he gave him too much work but he knew he can do and he knew he was the only one who can do it properly without making any mistakes. His loyalty to Wang Lei was not hidden from anyone in Wang Dynasty.

Wang Lei stares at him for a few seconds, then he moved, softly picked him up in bridal style and walked towards the bed. He straighten the pillow and made him lay down on the bed as he put the blanket over him. He covered him properly and then sat down on the bed as he looked at him. Will he accept them having a child with pearl magic or will he find his love crazy? Wang Lei was scared that it might will scared Huang Dewei. The pressure he was feeling to ask him was a lot but right now was not time either. Wang Lei was waiting for the right time...he also was not too sure because pearl magic was dangerous magic so the side effects of magic worries Wang Lei. He sighed as he softly moved away hair from his face and stares at him when Huang Dewei moved in his sleep and he slowly opened his eyes. His gaze met with Wang Lei and he smile to him which was wholeheartedly returned back to him.

'Wang Lei...' Huang Dewei whispered and called out to him half-asleep

'Yeah..' Wang Lei responded back in a soft lovingly tone like he was a child.

'I love you...I really really love you.' Huang Dewei confessed in his sleepy voice and Wang Lei felt butterflies in his stomach at his words as he started smiling.

'I love you too Weiwei...very very much.' Wang Lei responded back and Huang Dewei smile this time as he was still half asleep. He most probably won't remember much of this either as he opened his arms.

'Come here...' Huang Dewei said as he called him into a hug and Wang Lei was surprised but then he slowly bend down and fell into his arms as he laid down beside Huang Dewei on the bed. Huang Dewei closed his arms around him as he closed his eyes. Wang Lei could feel his breathing and then he felt him softly kissing him on his forehead. Wang Lei closed his eyes as he grabbed his collar and Huang Dewei tighten his embrace. Huang Dewei moved away after kissing him as Wang Lei felt Huang Dewei hand playing with his hair softly. Wang Lei just stayed still as he felt Huang Dewei feet gently rubbing his feet. Wang Lei's eyes flew open as he felt Huang Dewei trailer down his toe softly on his naked ankle towards his leg under his cloth. Wang Lei panicked as he felt like he was flirting with him.

'Weiwei..' Wang Lei desperately called out to him as he looked up towards him whose eyes were shut while he was smirking. Wang Lei gulped in as he Huang Dewei slowly opened his eyes and looked toward him.

'Are you turned on?' Huang Dewei whispered as he seducing bite his lips and Wang Lei felt his heart rapidly beating inside him when he felt Huang Dewei slowly trailer touching his face when he pulled apart his lips and put his thumb inside his mouth. Wang Lei bite down his thumb softly between his teeth as they stare at each other. He intensely stares then they moved forward and grabbed each other's lips hungrily. They kissed as Wang Lei got on top of him while they kissed each other. Huang Dewei grabbed the sheets as he moaned while he was fully awake now. Wang Lei broke off the kiss and they looked at each other and with getting their consent they hold on to each other tightly and went all the way in. It felt beautiful to be able to make love to each other after quite some time since they had been having alot of tension between them recently.

The Emperor and his loverOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora