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As night fell across the city, they had to help out the people. After HYDRA shot at the town, it left some rubble and destruction. They had no idea on what to do next. They would stick together until they knew when to move on to the next big thing. They didn't know exactly what their plans were, but one was to be away from Strucker. They were free, they hoped. Away from all the drama and destruction. But they knew one thing and one thing only. Avengers. Dead and buried.

Pietro was helping the public by handing out certain things. Pills for a man, some food for another couple, a blanket for another man. He then turned to a blonde, holding up a football.
"Now this is for your son" he spoke kindly to the girl. She blushed.
Lexi sat on the remains of the brick wall, watching him flirt. It hurt. Wanda walked past her, and noticed her gaze. She knew what was wrong.
Leaving the red head at the brick wall, Wanda walked towards her brother.
Pietro held up a gold dress. Which looked expensive.
"And this isn't for your son" he grinned handing it to her.
"This is too much" she responded.
"Of course not" he smiled at her.
Wanda walked towards her brother.
"Are all girls getting a dress from Paris? They look warm" she asked, catching the attention of Pietro and the girl, as well as Lexi who frowned.
Pietro shoke his head and sighed. "She is kidding" he shook his head and ran after his sister, without using his powers. "Your jealous you are not getting a dress"
"You keep stealing, you are going to get shot" Wanda responded. Lexi saw the twins walk off without her. Standing up, she followed after them and started catching up to them, standing beside Wanda. Pietro scoffed.
"I mean it" she whacked him "At speed nothing can touch you, but standing still you will"
"Do you think I want it? I don't know why but I feel like waiting, waiting for something. We had Stark and-" Pietro was interrupted by the blonde woman running towards her son. Who seemed to run off somewhere.
"I was at the church. The man says you need to come to the church" The little boy spoke, directly at the three of them.
Lexi, Wanda and Pietro frowned at each other paying attention to the little boy.
"What man?" Lexi asked.
The boy thought about it "Iron Man" The three of them looked confused. Pietro frowned very confused.
"I guess we know our next move then" she told them.
"Thank you" Pietro said to the little boy, as the three of them started walking to the remains of the church.

The stoney pathway turned into drying grass. A metal gate surrounded the crumbling church, with dead flowers attached to it. For the lost ones. Pietro opened the gate for the two girls to walk through. People were still walking around at night, but no one was interested in paying attention. They walked further up to the church until they entered it.
"Talk, and if you're wasting our time-" Wanda was interrupted by something or someone hiding behind a blank while sitting on the throne.
"Did you know this church is in the exact centre of the city? The elder's decreeded so everyone else would be equally close to God"
Lexi and Pietro exchanged looks, while Wanda continued to try and dive into the man's mind.
"I like that, the geology of belief" A robotic sound came from the man as he moved.
"You're probably wondering why you can't look inside my head"
"Sometimes it's hard" Wanda responded. Lexi and Pietro stood together. Lexi was slightly frightened, why was this man hiding from them. She held onto Pietro's wrist, and they exchanged looks.
"And sooner or later, every man shows himself"
The man stood up from the throne, removing the blanket and stood tall.
"Oh I am sure they do" The man was silver, robotic, red glowing eyes, like Wanda. Talk and looked increasingly strong. Intimidating, and slightly on the scary side. Lexi held onto Pietro's wrist tighter, only for him to hold her hand instead. They looked at the man in shock, standing back a little. Ultron.
"But you needed something more than a man" The robot spoke on, stepping down from the platform.
"That is why you let Stark take the scepter"
"I didn't expect it" She responded by her actions. Lexi expected it from Stark. He creates things and messes with things he doesn't understand.
"But I saw Starks fear, I knew it would control him, make him self destruct"
"Everyone creates the thing they dread" Ultron spoke in his voice, walking around the church
"Men of peace creates engines of war. Invaders creates Avengers. People create... smaller people" He added looking at the three of them.
"Children! I lost the word there" he let out a soft laugh
"Children, designed to supplant them, to help them... End"
"Is that why you come?" The three of them continue to stare at the large robot.
"To end the Avengers?" Wanda asked. They all hoped it was a yes. Lexi wanted SHIELD and the Avengers gone, the twins wanted Stark buried. Like their parents.
"I have come to save the world" Ultron spoke, standing straight, like a leader. He then started to walk out of the church until he turned around.
"But also, yeah"

Quicksilver's Flame ▪ Marvel ▪  PietroHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin