Yuki turn to him, "He said that Tsunayoshi-kun couldn't swim and needs a teacher, so here I am." She said with a happy smile. She smiled because she saw that Tsuna is really wearing the clam necklace she gifted him at his birthday, even though he seems scared.

'Don't worry, Tsuna... That won't fall off your neck... ever.'

Tsuna felt heat gathering on his cheek and look away, 'And she's wearing a swimsuit!' He look at her, 'There's no way I'll let Kazehaya-san teach me! Its embarrassing! This is embarrassing enough!'

"I.. I'll refuse.." He said.

Yamamoto who noticed how Yuki addressed Tsuna look at Yuki.

Yuki tilt her head a little and then smiled at him, "Ok. Please just call me if you want to be taught." She hum and turn her back, sitting on a shade near them with a towel under her.

Yamamoto finally got his eyes off Yuki with a disappointed look.

The trio continued their argument,

"Haru thinks that the heart is most important!" -Haru
"That's right!" - Yamamoto
"Don't say it as though you know anything, idiotic woman!" - Gukudera
"Then let's see who can teach the best!" - Haru
"I like that idea, half an hour each." - Yamamoto
"Fine! We'll see who can get the tenth to swim the furthest!" - Gukudera

Haru turn to Yuki, "Yuki-chan, are you also going to join us?"

Yuki turn to her and shook her head, "Tsunayoshi-kun declined it."

"Its probably because you're also dumb at it." Gukudera cross his arms.

"There there, Gukudera, there's no way Yuki is bad at something." Yamamoto smile at them.

Yuki watch them teach Tsuna in the most idiotic, embarrassing, scientific way.

'Even I can't understand that.' - her comment on Yamamoto's way.
'I'd rather die than being taught like that' - her comment on Haru's way.
'What the heck?' - her comment on Gukudera's way.

Out of those, she thinks that its kind of weird that not even one person is coming near her but its the best for her. She doesn't want to talk to anyone she doesn't know... Because socializing is a pain.

Unknown to her, they won't get near her because of her aura. They don't want to get near a fairy and block her beauty, the view is already enough for them. She looks like enjoying herself and they don't want to ruin that moment. Her mysterious aura also makes it hard for them to start a conversation with her or get near her.

The unsaid rule of, 'Don't get near her. You'll bother her.' Her presence is already enough.

From time to time, Yamamoto glances at her and she notices them but she didn't dare to point them out because she doesn't want to. She's on her act.

'There goes why I don't want to be with a man. They're always after my body...'

"Your so small... You should eat more, your too light too."

'Well, probably except for Lucas. He wants me fat. Well, he always cooks something good, how can I refuse? Did he even look at my body?'

"Yuki is like a feather, you should eat more. Is it part of your training? Here a marshmallow."

'That one is oblivious, he always makes me eat sweet. She gets mad at me all the time.'

"My lady... Please be healthy. I'll cook you something, please wait here."

'Why does every man around me points out my weight?' An small irk man appeared on her forehead.


A Wind After The Winter • Book I || KHR FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now