Chapter 55 - Storm Breaks [End of Part 2]

Start from the beginning

"We're on our way. Have Sarah point us in the right direction."

Roran glanced up at the Fel Miner. It nodded in return.

"Done, please hurry."

The Royal Guard were on Roran before he heard Nul's response. They attacked him with perfect coordination, driving him back into a corner. The Fel Miner attempted to ward them off with its blazing lantern but they didn't flinch this time. They didn't have room to flinch, there was nowhere for them to go.

"Show no fear, men! The Royal Guard have the Demon pinned, use this to your advantage!"

A wave of hesitant soldiers came at Roran. The Fel Miner swung its pick at them, startling some backwards, but many more pressed on, ignoring the dangers. They were animals trapped in a cage and killing Roran was their only means of escape.

Abandoning any mercy he had left, Roran hefted his sword and went on the offensive. There were too many enemies to be strategic so Roran began hacking them down with raw strength. He dodged between a flurry of blades, returning blows and cutting men down.

A blade caught him in the shoulder. The strike was clean but his defensive etchings held and the blade bounced off, feeling more like a steel bar than a sword. Despite his protection, a thin stream of blood began dribbling down his arm.

Redoubling his efforts, Roran sprinted through a couple of soldiers, bowling them over and getting away from the swarm of enemies. Bodies lay scattered on the floor, their blood slowly forming into one large pool.

Refusing to let Roran breathe for even a moment, the Royal Guard chased after him, the rest of the soldiers hot on their heels, screaming and cheering. The air was thick with fear and excitement. Every breath was tainted with the taste of blood.

One of the Royal Guard swung their ax at Roran. Though he blocked with his shield, the blow sent him tumbling backwards. Roran hit the ground, rolled, and sprung back to his feet, ready for the next attack.

There was a brief pause before the soldiers all erupted in cheers. Confused, Roran glanced around, wondering what had them excited. Finally, he realized that the Fel Miner was gone. Roran was alone.

Emboldened, the soldiers pressed together, moving towards Roran as a united front. Roran backpedaled away from them, swiping viciously with his sword to keep them at bay. They pressed him until his back hit the wall. Roran was out of room to run.

"This is it, men! Do not fear the Demons. The King is with us and God is on our side. Kill this man so we can send his head back to the Tyrants!"

The soldiers had gone from fearful to feral. They moved slowly, drawing out the moment and savoring Roran's final moments. Roran grit his teeth, prepared for the next onslaught.

As the enemy came closer, a thin stream of sand started pouring down from the ceiling. The soldiers, lost in their excitement, didn't notice it at first. It wasn't until the thin stream turned into a river raining down on them that they all paused to look up.

A hole appeared in the ceiling unleashing a torrent of sand. Through that hole came a figure in dark clothes and covered in black spiderwebs. With Karyn clinging to their back, Nul dropped into the room from above. As they descended, Nul clapped their hands. Thunder roared and the room exploded.


A shockwave staggered Roran and sent the soldiers tumbling to the ground. Landing as light as a feather, Nul dropped to a knee so Karyn could climb off their back. She ran to Roran.

"Are you okay?"

"Fine," Roran said, wiping blood from his face. "You?"

"Sarah said she knows where Kell is. We're close!"

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