Chapter 51 - Castle Uhlara & Chapter 52 - The Keeper of Lost Knowledge

Start from the beginning

"You're almost there. This tunnel ends in a spiral that climbs up to the surface. There's a door to a cliff face. From there, it's a short walk to the Upper Rim. You'll need to be careful, there is an increased presence of soldiers and all of the guards are keeping an eye out for you."

Roran nodded. "Any luck finding Kell?"

"Not yet."

"What about Demetrio?"

Sarah hesitated. "I wasn't looking for him, though I think I saw him in one of the military offices. Why do you want to know?"

"If he isn't actively guarding Kell, then he likely knows where she's being kept. And if he doesn't..." Roran shrugged. "He's an officer. We can collect a small bounty for his badge."

"Revenge doesn't suit you."

"No, but it will bring Kell a measure of peace."

"Don't lose yourself here," said Sarah. "Carrick was right when he said war changes people. Be careful how much you let it change you."

Roran sighed. "You're right. Come on, let's go."

He finished trekking down the tunnel and climbed the spiral pathway to a door in the wall. When Sarah unlocked it, the door slid open and a gust of frigid wind assaulted Roran. Stepping out, he found himself within easy walking distance of the city. The sun was already setting, painting the sky blood red.

Pulling his hood up, Roran lowered his head and trudged into the city. Sarah guided him, giving him directions between houses and, once inside the city proper, down alleyways. With her help he managed to move about unseen.

Stopping in a dark alleyway, Roran watched a squadron of soldiers march by, their banner up and an officer riding a horse in front.

"Do they have Crests?" Roran asked.

"Two of them do. Why, are you thinking of fighting them?"

"Not if I don't have to. I just want to know my options."

Sarah was silent for a moment, then she jumped. "Roran, move now!"

Roran bolted out of the alleway. Sarah appeared in another one, gesturing for him to follow.

Once off the road, he asked, "What's wrong?"

"There are a pair of shadows skulking around. It looks like they're keeping an eye out for you as well. They almost bumped into you."

"We need to get off the streets."

"Any ideas?"

"The library."

Sarah guided Roran through the alleys and streets back towards the massive library.

"How are you going to get past the guards?"

Roran produced the pickaxe he'd stolen from Kip. "By climbing."

With Sarah as his lookout, Roran began climbing the side of the library. The stone bricks provided thin ledges for him to grab onto and, using the pickaxe, he was able to leverage himself up to a second story window. Once there, Sarah opened it from the inside allowing Roran to climb through.

Roran tumbled to the floor and sprawled out, grateful to be out of the snow and away from the shadows.

"Are you alright?" asked Sarah.

Roran nodded. "Just glad to be out of the snow and away from the shadows."

"You seem more worried about them than the soldiers."

"I know how to deal with the soldiers, one way or the other. The shadows are harder. They're just people doing their best to survive a bad situation."

"Roran, you shouldn't get so upset-"

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