Hart quickly covered Y/n's mouth the minute he heard the doorbell. He called out for King to open the door. Once he heard king taking care of everything he turned back to Y/n, holding his knife to her throat as she started to cry. "Tell me why I shouldn't slit your throat right now? I can kill you and make sure it is never traced back to me.''

"Boss. There is someone very important here who wants to speak to you." Hart groaned as he gripped Y/n's face harder, leaving small finger print indents in her skin. "tell them I'm busy.'' "Doing what exactly Hart. What are you so busy doing that you can't come down and see me.'' Hart stopped immediately when he heard Ryuga's voice. He threw y/n to the ground and straightened up his clothes, making his way downstairs.

Once downstairs he was able to see Kyoya as well, he scowled under his breath as he turned to see all of his men standing there with him. "Is everything alright boss?'' "Yes Hart just peachy, we are having a massive party at Vibrance, and we invited all of you, speaking of which don't you have a sister and a new girlfriend I hear?'' Hart nodded as King shot him a glare, keeping his head down to avoid the boss seeing his bruised eye and busted lip.

"Dalia, Y/n. Can you come down here please.'' Y/n was hoping to see her brother. She gulped when she opened the door to see Kyoya and Ryuga. Kyoya locked eyes with her, looking her up and down trying to see any type of fear in her face. Dalia came up to y/n, grabbing on to her hand as they made their way down the stairs together. "Dalia how are you my dear.'' Ryuga kissed her cheek as she smiled brightly at him and Kyoya. "I'm doing great sir, what do we owe the honor of your visit.''

Kyoya couldn't take his eyes off of Y/n, and she couldn't take her eyes off of him either. Hart took notice immediately wrapping his arm around her trying to get her eyes to look back at him. When the boss wasn't looking he dug his nails into her side, causing her to whimper. Kyoya heard and snapped his head around, seeing that Hart had his hand dug into her side.

"I expect all of you too be at the party tonight, Y/n and Dalia, we have brought someone along that is here to help you two dress shop. "I'm here bitchesssss!" Mei Mei stepped into the front door, reaching out for Dalia and Y/n, smiling as she took them into her arms. "Ah my girls, we are going to get you looking so sexy.'' Ryuga cleared his throat as Mei Mei snapped her head. "Sorry sir.'' She bowed in apology.

"So we will see you guys later.'' Ryuga and Kyoya opened the door for the girls. Dalia grabbed Y/n's hand and yanked her out of the door immediately. "Hold on boss I have to use the bathroom.'' Ryuga nodded as Kyoya stayed behind, watching as Ryuga shut the door to the limo. Kyoya grabbed Hart by the collar slamming him against the wall. "What's your problem asshole let me go.''

"You lay one fucking finger on either Y/n or Dalia and your the next gang boss that is dead, and that's a fucking promise. You don't hurt her you scum bag.'' Hart shoved Kyoya off of him, which ended with Kyoya Punching him across the face. The other members watched on in horror, not knowing what was happening next.

Kyoya walked out before he could do anything, slamming the door shut behind him. "Make sure that bastard stays away from Y/n.'' "Why? Not like you give a fuck about her?'' Hart stood up and got right in kings face. "Say it again. Not like you'll go against me.'' "You beat the shit out of her, and I'm more than positive that you scared that poor girl that was here helping out Dalia this week.''

"You don't want to cross me King. You will regret it.'' King scoffed as he shoved him, storming out of the house. "Let him go, not like he will do anything.'' Hart stormed upstairs slamming his door as the rest of the gang sat down below not sure what to do.

Outside the Limo pulled away, making its way out of the gates and headed towards town. "Hey y/n, girly, your face okay? You look like you have some small bruises on your cheek.'' Y/n looked over at Mei Mei, nodding as she wished to avoid talking about Hart. "Yea I'm okay. It was nothing.'' "Ahh so you two just. Had some really rough sex, you kinky love birds.''

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