Chapter 39: Fix you

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My dad didn't say a word to me after he returned from the mission.

Nothing other than 'mission accomplished'.

I didn't talk to Tony as well, but he must've returned to his home. It's late afternoon on Sunday and only Jack was here with me as he didn't leave since Friday night.

I can guess that it must've not been easy for him and maybe some pack lives were lost in the process. I've seen enough war movies to hazard there are always casualties.

But I also know that Tony's dad stayed back guarding the pack and didn't travel with the team. None of the injured warriors did, except for Delta Westbrook. So, small blessings.

Anyway, my dad will talk to me when he's ready.

In the meantime, I have my mate to keep me company and provided for. And by provided, I mean with his large...

"Are you okay?" - Jack snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Yes, just nervous about dad's return. He only said the mission was successful." - I replied in an anxious tone.

"It's probably very taxing for him, to have to decimate an entire pack. It was likely very difficult for everyone involved." - He observed, pensive.

"Yeah. I can't imagine having to kill kids or teens just like us. Goddess, I'm actually glad I couldn't come. Poor Tony." - I said feeling awful just imagining it.

"Well, let's get our minds out of it for the moment. Let's focus on more positive things while we can." - He suggested with a naughty grin.

"You don't have to tell me twice." - I agreed, then I spent a good time getting dicked by my mate. It's a very nice distraction for sure.

At night, when we got downstairs for dinner, dad was looking absorbed in some type of way. Sarah and I noticed immediately.

"Are you okay, dad? Can you talk about it?" - I asked him, snapping him out of the daze he was in.

"I'm fine, son. It's just that when I asked the Alpha why he did what he did, he told me..." - He started but trailed off. The words faltering.

"He said your grandfather had killed his dad when he was Alpha." - He spoke and Jack gasped.

"What? Why?" - Jack inquired, looking confused.

"I don't know. To be honest, once I heard his explanation I went ballistic. I just can't imagine what killing Alpha Stonehold had to do with your grandfather." - Dad replied in a somber tone. He seemed really affected by it.

"I really thought somehow I'd get a more plausible explanation. Something your dad did or our pack did. But I wasn't expecting that. And I just lost it completely." - Dad continued, tearing up.

I almost never see my dad cry. To be honest, last time I saw him crying is the night of Delta Jones' funeral. And before that, when Jack's family got slaughtered. That's the first (and last time) that I saw him really crying.

"I even said he had gotten away with murder. He got his 'revenge'. Why continue to attack us? What could he possibly have to gain from it?" - Dad told us, his expression was pained and his mind seemed to be running a million miles per hour.

"And what did he reply?" - Jack asked him, curiously.

"He said he couldn't get over his father's death." - Dad answered, sounding annoyed and uncomfortable. Almost revolted.

"Well, he's not wrong there " - Jack reflected with a dark humor.

"Yeah, my thoughts exactly. That's what I said to him right before we killed his 3 children in front of him and his mate." - Dad spoke in a tormented tone, making everyone gasp in shock.

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