Chapter 18: Fever

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It's hard.

After the magical time I spent with Jack getting reacquainted with his family house, we walked back to mine to spend the rest of the afternoon together and he drove off into the sunset. We saw each other again on Sunday, but nothing major. We just chilled for a bit watching TV.

And it's fine, like I've said before, I'm not pushing to complete the bond before I'm ready. We haven't even discussed logistics yet.

Giggles. Logistics, like I'm talking about a transaction or a business deal. Can you tell I'm not ready by this paragraph alone?

In the days that followed, we got into a nice system for the group shower. In which we completely ignore each other's presences and none of our idiot friends ask us if it's hard, difficult or whatever.

Of course it's hard. It's fucking impossible! But what makes it worse is people asking us awkward questions like we can't all hear each other talking about it. And most importantly, so can every other boy in the fucking wrestling team.

But we made it work. We shouldn't quit the team over being mated to each other. Hell, I'd hazard a guess that if we actually completed the bond, it would make this much less awkward to face between us.

Like most things in life, the more naked we are in each other's presences more we'd get used to it. Right?

Wrong. Dead wrong. Couldn't be any more wrong if I tried. The system works great. But only because we block each other from sight completely. But at the training center, we shower together hard for each other every single day like horny teenagers.

Which I guess we are. I mean, I haven't been with Elsa any more since mated, not that any of us would want to in any case. I'm not a cheater and she would never help me cheat. Especially not on the (future) Alpha of the pack. It was always clear to us that our arrangement would only work while both of us remained unmated. That is literally the point of our deal: no strings attached entanglement.

And it's completely fine. It served its purpose. Also if I had to guess, Jack hasn't been with my sister as well. That much is a given. She's also not a cheater and would never interfere with my mate. Even if he dated her first. Gross.

And even then, to his own account, they never had sex. So yeah, it's hard for the both of us. Isn't it ironic that every teen on Earth wants to have sex but can't find a place or a partner or get them both aligned to do the deed, but we on the other hand have all the materials, places and anything we would need for it but don't do it because we're too stuck in our own heads?

I mean come on, the irony is killing me! I'm mated to the only teenager in town who owns his own property and even so the only reason why we went over there is to confront the ghosts of his past.

Which is a valid reason given his tragedy, I'm not making light of the situation. For the record, I wouldn't want to do anything over there in the first place. Not in the first visit, at least.

I guess I'm being a little hypocrite, judging him when I'm not exactly putting myself out there. Not then, but the following weekend we were free to do whatever we wanted. And we did a lot. We drove, we shopped, we ate together. Even kissed a good deal trough Saturday and Sunday. That's great. But we behaved quite differently in the week days, so chaste. Except for our daily shower alone together. That's hot, though we don't do anything more than admire each other's physiques.

On Saturday, he took me sightseeing a little, we went to the movies. We made out a lot. His lips are more heavenly to me as I kiss them. That's very nice.

When we left the theater, we grabbed a snack and he drove me back to my house. Funny enough, I could probably get away with spending a night away from home if I wanted to. On the weekend of course. Especially considering who my mate is, I could totally pull that off. I wouldn't unmated but now, yeah. I can see that happening.

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