Chapter 6: Fall in Line

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Did I dream that or it really happened?

How in the world did dad pull that off? How did he manage to not only get the Elder Council to NOT rule in favor of Stonehold, but actually give me a chance? Asking a serious question here!

I was appalled by Jack's question if my dad had bribed the Elders but honestly, I asked myself the same. He didn't. Like he said, he doesn't have the money. We maybe a powerful pack, but the Alpha has little discretion about pack money. He actually lives off a paycheck. That's without taking into account there are 12 Elders, all retired and it'd be incredibly expensive to even entertain the idea. Not to mention dangerous. Dad could lose HIS job. So no, that's a non starter for him.

It's not like Stonehold who owns several properties throughout the town. But then again, his family founded the city more than 2 centuries ago. So, it's no surprise they have so much.

When Mr. Gutierrez said that if I hurt Jack again I wouldn't ascend to anything, I believed him. It doesn't take a genius to figure out this is my saving grace. My last chance. There wouldn't be any more. No matter how much I try to justify it in my mind, I couldn't touch him.

Not only that, but unfortunately he's going to date my sister after all. I hate to agree with it but honestly she could do a lot worse than a Stonehold. I don't like him, but that doesn't mean I have the right to keep Sarah from being happy. And I certainly can't keep her from being mated to him. No one can. It's the Moon Goddess' prerogative.

And my dad told me point blank after they left that if I lose this chance by hitting Jack again, he would expel me from the pack. My mom and Sarah gasped at his words. But if you know him, you know that he doesn't joke. I believed him. And I have no desire to be an outcast or to move away to another pack. This is my home. My family. My town. My pack. And I'm not going anywhere!

Saturday, I texted Elsa to see if she wanted do something together as I had nothing scheduled. She and I have a 'no strings attached' kinda relationship in which we get what we want from each other but still remain open wide to be mated, though that can only happen when we turn 18. Unless our mate is older than us. Then, they can discover us and trigger our bonding.

It's a beautiful thing to watch when you find your mate. Your eyes shine brightly signaling the presence of your wolf inside of you - the stronger the emotion brings its presence taking over you. And the more present your wolf is, the brighter your eyes shine.

Not only that, but our mate triggers the wolf inside of us to respond and our eyes shine its brightest as well. It's funny how I can't find my mate, but if she finds me, my wolf will know it. Which in turn will make me aware of it as well, compelling me to reply: MATE.

I'm still a few months away from 18, but I have no desire for girlfriends this late in the game. Plus now with the internship with my dad and training with the Delta, who's gonna have the time?

I took my dad's car (he rarely uses it on weekends) and drove Elsa around a bit for a snack and a chat. It's nice spending time with her and if by any chance she's my mate, I'm gonna be a happy man. No doubt about it. We make out in my car before I have to drop her off. We have such great chemistry together.

 We have such great chemistry together

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