Chapter 36: Attention

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I know, right? Who knew I'd like it so much...

After a weekend isolated in bliss, I had to return my mate home on Sunday late afternoon.

But I did it very happy and completely enchanted with the time we spent inside the cottage.

We ate, we wolf ran to the river, we swam in its cold waters naked, we ran back and fucked like bunnies. I mean, I couldn't keep my hands off of him. I guess I was holding a lot in since the miscarriage.

I was freaking out over nothing. There is more than one way to enjoy your partner and have sex. Surprisingly, I enjoyed my time much more than I thought I would. Not the same as I do when I'm inside of him, but I can totally see the appeal.

When Tony and I arrived at school on Monday morning, Jason and Elsa were telling the others how Daisy went ballistic over the weekend for not finding her mate at her birthday party. Especially considering she invited half the school. Elsa's grinning with a petty gloat as she isn't particularly a fan of hers.

Neither is my mate. But that's understandable. Daisy comes on to me on a daily basis.

"Fuck her! I hope he is in college by now and spend years before finding her." - Ty spat, unapologetically. He spoke angrily and I'm glad she's not around us to listen.

"You do know that it'll mean she will be more available to flirt with your mate, right?" - Jay said to Ty, making him glare at him many daggers.

"I have been patient, but enough is enough. Who the fuck does she think she is?" - Ty snapped, eyes glowing at the thought. He's visibly shaken up about this and I get it. I am his mate, after all.

As we're talking to each other, a lot of girls walk by saying hi to Tony. After the fifth one, Sarah is starting to frown at this. Tony is confused too, he isn't particularly popular so why do strangers keep on greeting him all of the sudden? He frowns in confusion.

"OK, don't be mad." - Jay started, making Tony furrow his eyebrows and Sarah curious. - "After our conversation at the cafeteria on Friday, rumor spread around school that Tony is... well equipped" - He trailed off for a second, looking guilty.

Tony's eyes glowed with anger towards Jason. Sarah scowled deeply.

"I'm gonna kill you, Jason!" - Tony glared at him. As more girls kept waving at Tony as they walked by.

"I'm sorry. I keep forgetting this a werewolf school and people can hear our conversations." - He defended himself, though not very well.

"They do know he's mated, right? I'm standing right here!" - Sarah asked, looking annoyed at Jason.

"Yes, of course they know. Everyone knows that. Still, you know how it is. People are curious about Tony." - Jay said sheepishly, much to the mated couple's angry glares.

"I'm gonna kill the bitch who comes near my mate! I didn't wait 18 fucking years for someone to take my mate away from me!" - Sarah was livid. Tony turned to face her and kissed her.

"No one is taking me away from you. I want you. Only you. Nobody else." - He reassured, looking at her eyes with deep devotion. She smiled at this.

"You better be prepared for Summer, I will work you so hard you're gonna quit being a warrior." - Tony threatened him, glaring at Jason who grimaced. Elsa comforted him as his mate.

He didn't do it on purpose. But while Tony got unwanted attention, I notice Peter's eyes had a glow to them.

"Are you okay, Peter?" - I asked, making him turn to look at me.

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