Chapter 2: That's What I Want

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This is such bullshit.

I don't care who the fuck returned from the dead, I'm not giving up on Alpha. Not in a million years! I don't give a fuck who says otherwise. I'm not backing down, not from this.

Even after all of us got to class, the entire school was buzzing about Jack's return. His little announcement at the yard coupled with our discussion earlier fueled the school rumor mill that buzzed through its corridors.

By lunch time, everyone gathered around to see him like he's some sort of celebrity. Lots of students circling him like vultures, greeting him, talking, flirting and worst of all: bowing their heads.

Really, people? You only bow your head to the actual Alpha. No one else. It's like werewolf 101, basic stuff you learn in primary school.

I grunted under my breath. My mood so sour I've barely touched the food in my plate. My friends tried to start conversations with me but I only snarled in response. I couldn't be bothered, honestly. What a way to start the school year. And what a jackass.

"If you scowl anymore, it'll leave a permanent damage." - My sister snickered, snapping me out of my internal rant.

I glared at her. We're sitting at our usual table at the cafeteria. Me, her and four of our closest friends. We always sit together during lunch. It usually is the best time to catch up with them, trading stories and hearing about pack news or the latest gossip.

But somehow all my concentration was focused on the giant turd sitting not far from where we were, getting accolades for surviving like he's Harry Potter. He got lucky, that's all.

Yes, it's horrible what happened to his family. No one is denying that. I just don't think he should be granted a free pass on the count of the tragedy. And by that, I mean he can't be treated any different than the rest of us.

"I'm not scowling, I'm sulking. It's different." - I replied to my sister as I dig in my food before it gets (too) cold.

"Right." - She said with a raised eyebrow.

"We knew this would happen eventually, Ty. Dad shouldn't have put the idea in your head that you're succeeding him. This is the Stonehold pack. He's a Stonehold. It's not rocket science." - She deadpans, making our friends giggle at her words.

I glared at her. Yes, she's right. I guess... But I don't care, I want to be Alpha just like my dad. It's too late now for me to want otherwise.

"You should try to make things nice with him. Or you won't even be his Beta." - She continued, making my scowl grow uglier. Jason and Peter both gasped at her words. They know what this means to me since they're my closest friends.

"I'm not gonna be anyone's Beta. I'm Alpha, just like dad. That jackass just doesn't know it yet." - I grunted, looking annoyed at her.

"Do you seriously think the Elders are going to side with you on the ascension? The same Elders who all grew up with a Stonehold Alpha just like the rest of this town? I like your confidence but you sound delusional." - She retorted, not allowing me to maintain my hope.

Of course, I know he has a strong case for himself. I know he's his father's son. I'm not stupid, I know what I'm up against. But I'm not giving up.

"Delusional is him thinking he could grew up some place else and return to be our Alpha like nothing happened." - I replied in an angry tone. I glared at her, but she's not backing down. Neither one of us ever do.

"Except something did happened. Didn't it? Can you really blame his uncle for whisking him away after the attack?" - She said with an angry tone at me.

Before I could reply, Anna interjected making us look at her direction.

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