Chapter 30: Rumor has it

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I'm fucking pregnant!

What the flying fuck is that? It's hard to put into words the feeling, but a picture tells a thousand. Low and behold, there's my baby in the ultrasound screen. It's too early to tell the sex yet, not that I care particularly.

You know what they say, as long as it's healthy.

Just when I thought getting mated to a guy was the biggest surprise of my life. If only...

After I had some time to catch my breath and take in that I'm going to be a father, I can safely say that though it's a daunting task, I'm up for it. I mean, with a lot of help. But that's what grandparents are for.

My parents and Sarah were also taken aback by it, of course. Sarah took a minute to understand the biology of it all. Me too, sister.

"Are you okay, son?" - Mom asked me while we're eating dinner the next day.

"I'm fine. You know, it is what it is. I just can't believe I'm gonna be a dad." - I gasped at the realization.

"I'm gonna be an aunt." - Sarah said excitedly.

"Yeah, a virgin aunt. Are you waiting for the heat to strike? They're going to run out of medicine." - I snickered, making her grimace.

She flipped me off and dad glared at the both of us.

"Dad, are you okay with all this? I mean, I know you never expected me to be mated to a boy and now this." - I asked with a concerned tone. Sarah and mom glanced at him too.

"Son, I know you may think me square and old-fashioned, but all I want is for my children to be happy. Regardless of who they're mated to, boy or girl. As for your news, I'm happy to be a grandpa. I'm thrilled." - He replied, making me smile.

The next day at school, I was waiting for the news to spread. I know it only hasn't yet because it's too soon and so unbelievable, to be perfectly honest. But news travels fast in these corridors.

"Morning. Are you okay? Has it settled in?" - Jason asked me with a soft smile.

"Hi. I am fine. It has, little by little. But it sucks that I can't train anymore. I'll never see my mate naked in the shower again." - I whined, making Jay giggle.

"I'll shower just for you." - Jack said, coming to our corner with a happy smile. He greeted everyone. So does Tony, who kisses his mate.

"Tony, don't forget my ice cream. I'll take a chocolate fudge any day." - I winked at him, who winked back at me.

"Tony, you're the man. You got Jack's mate right. Now his baby. What's next? Can you predict the lottery too? Babies are expensive!" - Jason snickered.

"No, but I can predict your mate. Aren't your birthday coming soon?" - Tony said, making all of us gasp in surprise.

"What!? Who's my mate, dude?" - Jay asked curiously. His eyebrows are shot up, his mouth opens wide in shock and anticipation.

"I'm just kidding, Jason. I don't actually predict anything. I just guessed Jack's mate out of luck. And Tyler's pregnancy by the scent. I was practically raised in the maternity ward. I can smell a pregnancy a mile away!" - Tony bragged, grinning.

Jason scowled. So did Elsa, just not for the same reasons.

"Have you told your grandparents?" - I asked Jack with a raised eyebrow.

"No. I don't know how they're gonna react to the news." - He replied, worriedly.

"It's fine. Take your time. But it's gonna spread fast around here. Be prepared!" - I warned him.

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