Chapter 23: 2 Become 1

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Warning: sexually explicit content

Today is the big day.

The day all werewolf kind waits for in anticipation and only gets once in a lifetime, if they're lucky enough to find their mate. Unfortunately, nothing is guaranteed in life.

A century ago, people completed the bond as soon as they met. Like immediately after meeting. There was barely time to say 'hi'. All it took was for their eyes to glow to each other.

OK, I'm exaggerating a little. It wasn't this fast, but it was on the same day that you met your mate. Without a doubt.

And sometimes in this day and age that can still happen. Who's to say? Maybe if you're both horny enough.

Goddess knows I'm not one to judge. I would totally have completed the bond on my birthday if I was mated to Sarah. Hell, I could barely hold it in from doing it at school. But that's easily because we already knew each other and had been dating for a while.

Of course it's not something to be taken lightly. It's only the rest of your life we're talking about. There's no rupturing the bond once it's completed. It's forever.

Like the humans say: til death do us part.

Am I nervous about it? Of course I am!

I'm fucking dreading it as much as I'm looking forward to it. Go figure. But I have taken all the steps that I could to make this as pleasant as possible for the both of us.

I shopped a lot of food for us to eat, toiletries and other necessities. I packed a small change of clothes for me and told him to do the same. I checked on the place last night, it was clean and ready. Everything is good to go.

"Are you nervous, honey?" - Aunt Lidia asked me during breakfast on Saturday morning.

"Are you kidding me, mom? He looks more nervous than when he actually lost his virginity!" - Tony interjected, making me glare at him.

Gus laughed at this. Lidia blushed.

"Thanks, Tony. I can't wait for you to find your mate and tell me all about how easy it was for you to maybe under perform with the person you're spending the rest of your life with." - I jabbed at him, who grimaced.

"Ouch. Why would I under perform?" - He asked me, scowling.

"Because for a good performance you need experience." - I told him and saw his face descend into a sad and ashamed look.

I felt bad for this. His parents looked at him with pity. But I know I've said too much. Sometimes, we forget ourselves and go too far. Mainly out of insecurity, talking about myself in this case.

"I'm sorry, Tony. I didn't mean it like this. I'm insecure about it and lashed out on you. I shouldn't have said that. I apologize, I really do." - I spoke, looking remorseful at him.

It's not a crime to be a virgin. It's not a crime to save yourself for your mate, not that it is what he's doing. But nevertheless, I should have never said that.

It is the worst type of betrayal when people use your own insecurities against you. That would be like someone saying to me: 'you're nothing but a pathetic sad orphan'.

I stared at Tony until he raises his head back at me and I smile at him, trying to make up for my own insecurities.

"I swear, there's nothing wrong with you or with being a virgin. You'll do great with your mate, I promise you. Plus, I'll be here for you when you need me." - I reassured him with a glowing smile.

The Orphan's Mate (Werewolf Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora