Chapter 27: Enough is Enough

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Wow. That took a turn.

I can't believe Tony found his mate way ahead of his birthday. Lucky him. And so deserving.

Honest to Goddess, I couldn't think of a better person for my cousin to be mated to. I really mean it.

When he got home and eventually told his parents, they showered him with love at the news.

They were happy too, specially being Sarah his mate. But they asked him how did I take the news and Tony reported I was fine with it, which I really am.

When I finally arrived home for dinner, all three were celebrating his news with joyful expressions on their faces.

I joined them with my hungry self as I attacked the food with a warrior's hunger.

"Congratulations, cariño." - Lidia said while we ate.

"Thanks, mom." - He replied, smiling widely.

"I can't believe I won the mate pool. It's only fair." - I celebrated, giggling.

"You bet Sarah's mate was Tony?" - Gus asked me, surprised.

"Yeah. Beta's daughter. Beta's mate. It's not that difficult." - I smirked.

"Good for you, Jack. And thank you for accepting this. I know it can be weird for you." - Tony said, shooting an apologetic glance at me.

"There's no need to thank me. The best boy got the best girl. Period. I love you and want the best for you." - I said not missing a beat, making everyone smile at me.

Later at night when we're alone in our room, I take the opportunity to talk privately to him.

"So..." - I started.

"No, we didn't talk about it. And no, I didn't ask her." - He answered before I could ask.

"I know that. But how are you feeling about it?" - I wondered.

"I'm feeling awesome. She's a fantastic girl." - He grinned. Even in the dark I could see he shining his teeth.

"She is, but that's not what I asked." - I insisted.

"Yeah, I know..." - He mumbled. - "I wanna play it by ear. I don't wanna sound too desperate."

"Okay, it's a nice strategy. You're right. You don't want to sound so eager, like it's all you've ever dreamed about your whole life." - I snickered.

"Good one, Alpha. Sorry if not all of us can wow our mates by taking them away and fuck their brains out." - He jabbed at me.

"Oh don't worry, cousin. You will sweep her off her feet, I have no doubt. Plus, the house is still available. It's yours if you want. So is the car." - I offered with pleasure.

"Thanks. But I want us to create our own experiences. But I'll take you up on the car, no doubt." - He replied enthusiastically.

After that, I smiled and drift off to sleep.

The next day, we're back to our usual corner at school. Except now Tony and Sarah kissed when they greeted each other.

"Are you okay, Jason? We saw your dad yesterday at the locker room. He sounded very determined." - I asked him after we exchanged pleasantries.

"Wait. You showered with Mr. Westbrook?" - Elsa asked in a shocked tone.

"No!" - Tyler and I shouted in unison, with disgusted looks on our faces. - "We waited for him to leave the shower before we entered." - I explained, grossed out at the insinuation.

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