Chapter 5: Perfect Day

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I stared at my uncle waiting anxiously for the response. Tyler did the same with his dad. Everyone wanted to know what the Council replied. It took them a minute to start speaking they're so gobsmacked.

"The Elder Council has decided that it needs further assessments into Mr. Stonehold and Mr. Burke to decide which candidate is more suitable for the Alpha position and therefore requires additional time to rule on this matter." - Uncle Gus read out loud the e-mail. I gasped at this.

"What? Are you kidding me?" - I shouted at him, nervously.

Tyler grinned wide. I wanted to punch the smile off his face but I would never give him the satisfaction.

"How did this happen?" - I was blown away, this is so unreal I could barely grasp at it. I thought I had it in the bag.

"I don't know, Jack. But there's more." - Uncle Gus replied. My jaw dropped to the floor.

"More?" - Tyler asked, curiosity dripping from his tone.

"Yes, Jack will have to undergo assessments by the pack Delta and by me before the Council decides." - Mr. Burke announced it. Tyler's grin grew widely at this. Now, I really want to punch him.

"So, not only I don't get Alpha. But the person who is in charge of making my assessment is the same one that wants another person to ascend. How is this fair? Did you bribe the Council, Mr. Burke?" - I was beside myself. I couldn't hold it in. The look of shock and horror on Sarah and Tyler's faces surprised me the most, though I don't particularly know why.

"Jack, apologize to the Alpha. This is not how we do things!" - Uncle Gus spoke before anyone  else could.

"How uncle? How is this fair? If it's up to him I'll never be Alpha! They might as well book Tyler's ascension now!" - I retorted loudly. This is the angrier I've ever been, not counting my parents' situation.

"Apologize now!" - Gus insisted, his eyes were glowing with anger.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Burke." - I said sheepishly, looking down.

"It's Alpha!" - Tyler interjected.

"What?" - I turned to him puzzled.

"You keep calling my dad Mr. Burke. It's Alpha Burke as he is the Alpha." - Tyler elaborated, sounding and looking pissed at me.

"Calm down, son. In Jack's eyes his father is still the Alpha. I understand why he doesn't address me as that and I hold no grudge. No, I didn't bribe the Council. For one, I don't have the money. All my bank statements and tax returns are available at the Council's office for verification. What I do have though is nearly two decades of working on behalf of this pack, which is why the Council is taking my word on this matter, despite what you may think." - Mr. Burke stated clear and calmly. He never raised his voice.

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