Chapter Fifty-Five: Showing Off

Start from the beginning

Waving them farewell, the spirit disappeared back into his hole, as the four made their way up towards the castle, with Macaque, Pigsy and Mo all sighing in relief at the quick resolution.


"So, what's your plan for getting in there?" The noodle chef hummed, looking over at Wukong and Macaque, only to yelp in shock when he was suddenly being dragged alongside the aforementioned tanned simian, the swine screaming as Monkey King bashed a hole into the castle wall.

Landing gracefully, the ginger and black furred demons faced off against--what looked like--a woman in royal garbs, with Macaque quickly catching Pigsy, before the poor male could face plant into the floor, Mo having rested upon Wukong's head.

"Unhand our master evil demon!" Monkey King growled, pointing his 'staff' at the woman, glaring her down. "I am Sun Wukong, and the monk is under my protection!"

"Protection from what?!" The greenette sneered, before making an alluring looked. "A beautiful queen?~"

"Look lady," Pigsy snapped, his patience having long since worn thin. "We are not going to let you eat my hus--our master!!"

"I would NEVER!!" The queen snarled back, standing up from where she sat on the table, and glaring straight back at the chef.

"Oh really?" Wukong smirked, before putting an arm up and going to snap his fingers. "Then why all the illusions?!"

Snapping his fingers, a blast of golden magic turned the servants into scorpions, and forced the 'queen' into her true form...a centaur-like demoness with the upper half of a woman, and the lower half of a scorpion.

Tang looked mortified.

"Okay, fine, fine! I'm a demon, okay?! Happy?!" The demoness shouted angrily, having gotten off the table and storming over to where the 'rescue party' was standing. "I just wanted to be a beautiful queen but fine I'm a demon!"

Seeing Pigsy panic over the scorpions crawling all over him, Macaque was kind enough to brush them off, before sighing and picking off the ones who'd opted to latch onto Wukong with the pinchers as well.

"So, just to be clear, eating me, won't make you immortal," Tang spoke up nervously, as the scorpion woman picked him up with her stinger tail.


Our dear shadow user made sure to cover his husband's mouth, before the ginger could say anything stupid.

"I already said this," The demoness screamed. "I don't. want. to eat. anyone!!"

"Then...can we go?" The scholar asked hopefully.

"No!" The woman growled. "You have to stay here! FOREVER!!"

"Don't worry master!" Macaque forgot how easily Wukong could slip out of his grasp back in the early days, having gotten rusty once Ming was in the picture. "Here! Comes! Monkey King!~"

Slamming the 'staff' down against the Scorpion Queen's pinchers, our dear simian king's weapon broke into pieces...revealing it to just be a walking stick.


"My staff!" Wukong whimpered, holding the remnants of his precious weapon, before growling and lunging at the demon lady, who was forced to let Tang go to confront the ginger monkey.

"Tang! You okay?! Did she hurt you?! Lock you up?!" Pigsy worriedly ran up to his husband, who seemed perfectly fine, for being held hostage by a demon...again. And the noodle lover's partner seemed to notice this, as the pig demon deadpanned after smelling the food on his human husband's breath. "She kept giving you noodles so you wouldn't leave."

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