In autumn, people in the village basically wander around the mountains, picking up firewood or harvesting mountain goods. Wang Xiaomei is not stupid. She chose the site for her house to be more inward. There is not even a fruit tree in this area. I am familiar with it. I don’t come here on weekdays, and I feel far away to pick up firewood, so Wang Xiaomei chose to build a house here.

    It's not very pleasant to say that it is not uncommon for the villagers to see this broken house, and maybe they will laugh at who built such a shack.

    Now that they have come, Wang Xiaomei simply took her to see the beets she planted.

    So I followed her around, and after walking for a while, I saw a small slope facing the sun, with sparse beets growing on it.

    Lin Yuzhu knows what is the gap between ideal and reality.

    The beet was so withered that it even looked a little miserable.

    What a shame for the beet world.

    Seeing her expression, Wang Xiaomei hurriedly explained, "Don't look at this much, I have several plots of this kind, and this is just one of them."

    Lin Yuzhu nodded and was no longer so curious about the other plots, but he was still very curious. Those who admire Wang Xiaomei, although most of the products they make at home are thin brown sugar, it is not a problem to sell them.

    Dozens or hundreds of plots are possible.

    She really admires Wang Xiaomei. Although this girl is not very shrewd and likes to be used by others, she has been working hard to live actively and for herself.

    Lin Yuzhu looked at the complacent Wang Xiaomei as if glowing, and felt sad for a while, because of this girl.

    If she was born 20 years later, she might not be so miserable.

    The beet planting season and the spring planting season almost coincide, which shows how hard this girl has worked at that time.

    Wang Xiaomei said righteously, "Would you like to do it with me? Let's collect the vegetables and cook the brown sugar together, and I'll give you 20% of the money sold."

    Lin Yuzhu giggled, she said that this girl has hands must be rich.

    "How much money have you earned in the past few years?"

    Wang Xiaomei shook her head and said, "Where can you earn as much? It's not bad to have one or twenty dollars a year."

    Lin Yuzhu laughed, according to this girl's words Just double or triple it.

    Can't help but sigh, this girl can't say she has more money than her, tsk tsk tsk, come on.

    Since the space has been upgraded to level ten, it has become more and more difficult to upgrade. Now the space has been upgraded to two levels, and the seeds only open watermelons, soybeans, bananas, and bamboo shoots.

    At first, it was because there was no extra contribution value to open up wasteland. Now that she has contribution value, she can rent a small robot to open up wasteland in the space.

    Most of the crops planted are high-recycling crops, but the growth rate of crops after land reclamation is the same as the outside world. Lin Yuzhu still does not know how much experience value it can provide. After all, the first batch of crops is not yet mature.

    She still has a few percent of experience points to level up, and the seeds for the next level happen to be peaches and sugar canes.

    Peaches can be made into preserved fruit, and sugar cane can be made into brown sugar. The brown sugar in the space is more delicately processed than the current brown sugar. Lin Yuzhu does not plan to sell it.

The self-cultivation of the people who eat melons in the 1970s through booksजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें