"Thank you, my loyal guard!" She cheered with a smugly pleased smile over her face.

"You can't have a guard, that's Cheating!!" Ukraine exclaimed, struggling to stand up with all the mud and grass stuck to his clothes. Belarus smirked evilly, walking over and promptly shoving him into the pond with nothing more than a short yelp and then a solid splash.

"I can because I said I can, Because I'm The Tsaritsa!!" She yelled over everyone, their siblings slowly gathering into the clearing as well one by one.

"But won't that mean we have to kill you?" Georgia called from a distance. The rest of them murmured in agreement, the game was quite literally called 'Kill the Tsar'.

"Nope! Because unlike all the previous Tsars, I'm going to make things fair! No one will be poor, and Everyone will have enough to eat!" She said, a quiet nod coming from Soviet sitting a distance away.

"But that's not how the game works!" Azerbaijan protested, crossing his arms over his chest. Belarus' reddish-brown eyes gleamed and then narrowed down to evil slits. "Russ, Throw him into the pond!"

"I can't do that, Bela." RSFSR smiled, hands clasped behind his back.

"What did you say?" She slowly turned around to look at him. "And that's мой Tsaritsa to you."

"I said no. And I'm not sorry for what I'm about to do, мой Tsaritsa." He grinned and plucked the crown right off her head, nudging her into the direction of the pond. Belarus fumbled for balance for a split second, eyes wide with fury before she went down with a loud splash, Ukraine's cackling audible to everyone.

The twisting branches curled near perfectly around his head, crowning RSFSR as the new Tsar ruling over them. It took a moment of silence and a couple of seconds later for one of his siblings to finally scream 'KILL HIM!!!' with utmost glee before they all swarmed after him, the most violent game of tag ever as they tripped over each other to catch him.

RSFSR ran as fast as he could, laughing as he bolted towards a tree, leaping up its trunk and quickly climbing into its branches, hiding amongst the leaves and occasionally taunting his siblings down below when they couldn't find him, giggling to himself as he perched neatly on a branch.

A shrill whistle made all of them stop in their actions, all 9 children looked over to see their father standing up, newspaper tucked under one arm and his other hand pressed against his hip. They quickly rushed towards him, RSFSR clambering down the tree and giving its sturdy trunk a gentle pat as thanks for holding him steady up there.

"You all are playing too loudly, if you want to play a game like this, at least not around here." Soviet said, looking at each of them in turn. Many of them ducked their head down, staring at their shoes guiltily. RSFSR's vibrant purple irises stared right up at him, the antler-like branches of his crown sticking out from his red and blue hair.

"It's almost time for dinner. BSSR, Ukraine SSR, RSFSR, go get changed. You're all wet and muddy."

The 3 of them nodded, two of them dripping pond water all over the grass and one of them covered in muck. Ukraine stuck his tongue out at Belarus, who then stuck her tongue out at RSFSR, still pretending to be mad at him as they ran into the cabin.


Oof a very late author's note sorry for the interruption now XD

By the way this oneshot takes place even earlier than the first 2 childhood oneshots. This one happens in the summer of maybe 1928, so they are even younger here, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan haven't joined yet, Germany hasn't even been born lmao-

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