"Did I pushed the right button?" She hum amused, looking at those eyes who wants to kill, "I'm just saying you should be careful around those people. You'll never know what will happened, like how that doctor unexpectedly made you fall on you knees without even you noticing it."

"..." Hibari stayed silent and pull his tonfa out of the tree, "I don't need to hear anything from you."

"I'm just saying the truth."
"Or just making fun of me."
"Probably, but for your sake."

Hibari and had enough of her bullshit this day, and walk away because he can feel the cherry blossoms weakening him, again.

For the first time ever since they met. Hibari Kyoya's impression of Yuki changed from, a carefree and idiotic sheep, to a dangerous, cunning wolf in that sheep clothing... After seeing those eyes that seems to know who he is from inside and out.

'She talks like she knows everything.'

Yuki smirked as she watch Hibari walk away from her, 'I do know everything, Hibari... senpai.'

Tsuna's pov:

That damn Reborn. He actually invited Kazehaya-san again... I felt a blushed on my cheek, And with her little sister this time! I didn't know Kazehaya-san have a sister... I thought, She always have that mysterious aura behind her bright smile.. and I never saw any little sister when we did our homework on her house..

For some reason, knowing something about Kazehaya-san... makes me happy a little.. He smiled and finally arrived at the entrance, They're here, right?

I look around and saw no Kazehaya, Reborn better not be lying... My eyes landed on silky strands of raven hair gliding softly with the spring wind, the hair looks like Kazehaya-san's but the tip is raven and not sky blue, Is she Kazehaya-san's sister?

Her hair is hiding her face from me, a sudden brief rush of wind came to her causing her hair to flutter, stop hiding her face and eyes. I immediately noticed beautiful magenta eyes, those eyes look at me with innocence and curiosity.

Her lips are pressed into thin line as I see her look at me with blank eyes, What is it? It feels weird. Is my existence being judged?

She walk to me slowly, I can't see her eyes that I saw earlier because her bangs are hiding them and her face didn't show any emotions. She's so quiet.. just like Kazehaya-san, tranquil and quiet on her movements.

Before I knew it, she was already in front of me, What– I took a step back in surprise, How did she got in front of me that fast!?

She rise her hand making me nervous. She look up to me and I can finally see her eyes again looking at me emotionlessly, blank... but its... Red... Red Ruby... Isn't her eyes magenta earlier?... I feel something bad will happen to me.. Its scary, her eyes..

She was about to touch cheek. I close my eyes in anticipation of something.


3rd person pov:

Yuki walk to the entrance of the park after talking to Hibari, she had fun, she never thought she'd do that to someone again. She saw Mara and Tsuna together but the air around Mara is....too calm. Her eyes widened when the ravenette is about to touch Tsuna.

A Wind After The Winter • Book I || KHR FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now