Agent Rogers

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I skipped down the stairs in our tiny apartment I had lived with my cousin Steve Rogers for about a year now ever since both of our parents died. And Bucky visited more often than not.

"Morning Stevie." I said walking into the kitchen.
"Please tell me your not trying to cook again."

"No I learned my lesson from last time." He replied when Bucky barged in the door.

"Good morning Roger cousins." He said but tripped on the step up to get in the apartment.

"-Woah" he said but caught himself. I laughed a little then turned around and grabbed the cereal box and the milk.

"You think that was funny?" He asked walking over to me standing inside the fridge door.

"Maybe a little." I replied.

"Yeah." He teased and started poking at my sides tickling me and I practically collapsed to the floor.

"Stop stop stop!" I yelled laughing and closing the fridge door trying to run away. But he grabbed my waist and pulled me back.

"Gonna have to do more than that to get away from me doll." He said as he spun me around. And I noticed he was in uniform. When Steve walked over to us.

"Did you get your orders?" Steve asked. Bucky sighed in response and started explaining.

"I train with the 107th for the next few weeks and then we ship out to England."

"Shit." I mumbled under my breath. That was my division that Peggy and I helped train. Our jobs were supposed to be a secret. Howard was going to kill me.

"What?" Bucky asked.

"Oh Nothing." I replied. "I've Got to go or I'll be late for work." I said and grabbed my stuff.

"Bye Abigail." The both said in unison.

"Bye boys." I replied and walked out the door heading for the military base. Bucky was probably gonna kill me to.

time skip

"Morning peg." I said as I walked in as stood next to her as she sat at her desk working.

"Morning." She replied.

"Find anybody yet?" I asked.

"I have no time to be looking for fish in the sea Abigail." She replied.

"One day. Just you wait. One day." I said through a sigh and we both laughed a little when Howard walked up to us.

"Good morning Ladies."

"Good morning Mr. Stark." Peggy said.

"Morning Howard." I replied.

"The 107th is here and you two are the need to begin their training."

"Alright we're on our way then." I told him.

"Have a good day girls." He said and walked off.

"You to sir." Peggy replied.

"Why are you always so formal?" I asked her.

"Because it's polite." She said standing up and we made our way outside.

Time Skip

"Recruited Attention!" I yelled as Peggy and I walked out in front of the men.

"Gentleman I am agent Carter and this is Agent Rogers." Peggy said introducing us

"We supervise all operations for this division." She explained. When Bucky noticed me and his eyes grew wide.

"Really girls. They're going to train us. I though I signed up for the Army. Not the Nurse division." A soldier said. I slightly tilted my head and stared him down with anger.

"What's your name soldier?" I asked.

"Gilmore hodge hello nurse." He greeted me.

"Step forward Hodge." I demanded and he did as I said.

"Put your right foot forward." I told him and he did what I said.

"What are we gonna wrestle. Cause I got a few moves I know you'll like." He said and I saw Bucky out of the corner of my eye and he was furious.

"Ok Soldier. Hit me." I said.

"What?" He asked.

"What are you afraid. Try and land a hit. If you can I'll go."

"Alright fine." He said and took a fighting position.

He attempted to throw a punch but I caught it with ease and twisted his wrist back.

"Ow." He said. And I kicked my legs up sweeping his leg with one and taking him down to the ground in one quick motion landing exactly the way I was.

"Why is a man's first move always a punch. It's so easy to see coming." Peggy said.

"I know right." I agreed.

"Agent Rogers. Agent Carter!" A voice said from behind us.

"Colonel Phillips." We said in unison as we turned around and saluted.

" I can see that you were breaking in the candidates. That's good!" He said.

"Get your ass up out of that dirt and stand in that line at attention until somebody comes and tells you what to do." He said as he walked closer and saw Hodge still on the ground.

"Yes sir!" He replied. I looked over and Bucky was just kinda staring at me. So I winked at him.

"General patent has said that wars are fought with weapons but they are won by men. We are going to win this war because we have the best men. And because they are going to get better. Much better. Is teaching scientific reserve is an Allied effort. Made up of the best minds in the free world. Out goal is to create the best army in history. But every army starts with one man. At the end of the next few weeks we will choose that man. He will be the first in a new breed of super-soldier. And they will personally escort Adolf hitler to the gates of hell."

And that's when I noticed something. There was a man standing at attention that was shorter than everyone else and my eyes focused on Steve.

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