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We all loaded up on the guardians ship and took off but stoped before we went into space.

"Okay who here hasn't been to space?" Rocket asked. Steve, Nat, Rhodes, and Bucky all raised there hands which meant only me rocket Thor, Nebula, and carol had. Carol looked back at me and I was sitting next to Carol and Rocket and Carol and I laughed a little.

"When did you go to space?" Bucky asked.

"Long story I'll tell you later." I replied.

"Uh, Why?" Steve asked. Rockets only response was.

" you better not throw up on my ship." Bucky looked at me and his eyes widened and I let out another small giggle.

"Approaching jump in three." Nebula said. And Steve slammed his hand on the arm wrest grabbing it very tightly. Which only made me laugh again.

"Two..." Nat took a deep breath and held it.
"" Nebula said. And the ship lunged forward. And I watched Steve's eyes widen the farther and faster we went. When we made it through and to the planet. Carol opened the door and the two of us got out.

"We'll head down for Recon." Carol told them over coms and we made our way down to the planet as the golem yellow radiated on our body's as we flew. Steve pulled out his compass that had a picture of Peggy. And was just looking at it. He really missed her every minute of every day. So Bucky and Nat walked over and Comforted him

"This is gonna work Steve." She said.

"I know it will." He replied. " because I don't know what I'm gonna do if it doesn't." And that's When Carol and I came back.

"No satellites no ships, no armies no, ground fence of any kind......It's just him." I told them.

"and that's enough." Nebula said.

Thanos was doing what looked to be cooking food whenever he sat down placing a pot over a fire. When he heard a noise from outside not knowing what it was he looked up. Only to see a blast of some thing being shot at him he held out his hand to try and block it but It didn't do much good when Carol came in and crashed into him knocking him to the floor and then I came in behind her and crawled around on his shoulders putting him in a headlock almost choking him.

When Bruce came up out of the floor in the Veronica suit when Thor, Rhodes, Rhodey and Bruce each grabbed an arm. When Nat Steve Rocket and Bucky all walked up the stairs into his hut. Carol took over my position and I grasped his entire body in my powers but this time it was the crimson Red so he couldn't move while Carol had a hold on his neck and Thor chopped off the arm with the gauntlet on it. And he screamed out in pain. Rocket flipped over the hand that the gauntlet was on only to find that there were no stones in it.

"Oh no" Rocket says with fear in his voice. And everyone looked at the gauntlet.

"Where are they?" Steve asked him.

"Answer the question." Carol said tightening her grip and I tightened mine as well while both of our bodies radiated slightly with the golden color.

" The universal required correction. After that the stones served no purpose. Beyond temptation." Thanos said.

" You murdered trillions!" Bruce yelled shoving him across the room.

" You should be grateful." He said but Bruce shut him up by punching him in the face.

" where are the stones?" Nat asked.

" Gone reduced to atoms." He replied.

" you used them two days ago!" Bucky yelled.

" I used the stones to destroy the stones. It nearly killed me. But the work is done it always will be. I am inevitable."

" we have to tear this place apart he has to be lying." Rhodes says.

"Marvel can you read his mind?" Steve asked.

"Yeah." I replied softly scared of what I would see. but I stayed put. He had started to sit up so I shoved him back down in one swift movement of my hands with my powers still not moving from where I stood.

He had looked at me and my eyes were glowing. I tilted my head slightly staring deep into his soul I slowly walked over to him and used my powers as a shade of red went into his mind and every thought that that moster had ever had ran through my mind. Including the ones about the stones it was awful being in his head. It was like torture. and then snap. My eyes calmed down and Bucky was standing beside me.

"Are you okay?" Bucky asked worry rising in his voice.

"Your a monster. Your head is like hell." I said defining my deep accent. (I forgot to mention I embraced the Russian and kinda liked it. Oops.)

"He was telling the truth. The stones are gone." I said.

"My father is many things a liar is not one of them." Nebula said. Thanos was still recovering from what had just happened. Having someone take control of you for even just a second can be awful.

"Ahh.... Thank you daughter. Perhaps I treated you too harshly." But Thor stepped up and swung his axe through Thanos's head killing him in less than a second and his body collapsed to the floor.

"what?" Bruce said.

" what did you do?" Rocket said.

" I went for the head." Thor replied.

Nebula walked up to Thanos and closed his eyes. While we all just stood there in horror. As Thor walked out and down the stairs of the hut. his cape waving in the wind.

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