He's Here

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Me Nat and Okoyo we still fighting the alien in the ditch when another machine rolled over top of it but I boosted it up with my powers so it kept going past us. And one we were all free of the danger the alien kicked Nat against the dirt wall. And Okoye was thrown to the ground leaving only me.

The alien cam coward walking at me and tried several times to punch me but I blocked each one with my powers. But she was steadily backing us both up towards the wall and ended up tripping me to the ground but as she looked down and pulled out a blade and threw it down at me aiming for my throat, I had a sense and used my powers to throw her in the air just in time for one of the machines to crush her sending blue blood spattering everywhere some even getting on us. And all four of us sat up.

"That was really gross." Nat said.

" Nat said

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Back in the forest Vision was still alone with the alien and he had just stabbed him and held Vision by the neck.

"I thought you were formidable, machine. But your dying, like any man." The alien told him and then ripped the blade out of his stomach and Vision fell to the ground

When out of no where Steve came running in from the side and tackled the alien to the ground and stood back up immediately.

"Get outta here!" He yelled to Vision and started fighting with the alien hitting him to the ground.

"Go!" He yelled and started fighting again as the alien stood back up and Steve hit the blade out of his hands but the alien grabbed him and threw him into and over a log. Sending him falling to the ground.

The alien walked over to him and held his hand on his throat attempting to choke him when something stabbed through his heart and he  was lifted into the air and he then fell over to the side of Steve revealing Vision. As Steve stood up Vision collapsed but he caught him and helped him stand up.

"I thought I told you to go." Steve said to him.

"We don't trade lives, Captain." He replied.

Everyone was still out fighting the aliens while Wanda and I made our way over to the forest I found Steve and Wanda went straight to Vision.

"Are you okay?" She asked as she knelt down to him. then he groaned out in pains as a ringing sound came from the stone.

"What? What is it?" Wanda asked.

"He's here." Vision replied breathing heavily.

"Everyone on our position we have incoming." Steve said through the coms. Sam Nat Okoyo Bruce Bucky and Ta'Chala we're already standing there with us and we were all looking around.

"What the hell?" Nat said silently but loud e y for everyone to hear. When a small portal with blue radiating and a cloud of smoke appeared and Thanos slowly walked through it and it closed behind him.

Wanda had her powers glowing on her hands while my entire body was radiating with the golden yellow color of my powers as we all started in astonishment as Thanos stood in front of all of us.

"Cap, Marvel. That's him." Bruce told us.

"Eyes up. Stay sharp." I told everyone and Steve and I started making our way towards him as he slowly walked forward.

Bruce was the first to jump at him but Thanos used the space stone just by closing his fist and Bruce was completely transparent and Thanos stuck him into a rock wall.

That's When Steve and I tryed to take our chance but before I even had a chance to use my powers he closed his fist and used the power stone to throw us backwards and to the ground.

That's when Ta'Chala jumped out but Thanos caught him by the neck and punched him to the ground using the force of the power stone to make the impact even harder.

When Sam flew in shooting two different guns at him and he closed his fist using the space stone and broke Sam's wings and he fell to the ground.

" Wanda." Vision said and she looked back at him.

" It's time." He said.

" No." she told him. And turned back around.

"They can not stop him, Wanda, but we can. Look at me." He said turning her around to face him. " You have the power to destroy the stone."

"Don't." Wanda said.

"you must do it. Wanda, please. We are out of time."

" I can't." She told him.

"Yes you can. You can." He told her and grabbed her hand holding it up to the stone on his forehead. "If he gets the stone half of the universe dies. It's not fair. It shouldn't be you but it is. It's all right. You could never hurt me........... I just feel you."

And with tears in her eyes a glowing red energy formed on Wanda's hand and she began to blast the stone. Slowly eating away at It.

Rhodes flew out shooting more weapons than you could count at him but he closed his fist using the smack stone to tighten the titanium suit around his body and threw him to the ground.

When Bucky ran out shooting at him but he closed his fist and knocked him to the ground using the powers stone.

"Bucky!" I yelled after him

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"Bucky!" I yelled after him.

When Nat and Okoye ran out after and Okoye there hee spear at him but he stoped it with the power stone and sent it and Okoye flying backwards and to the ground. Then trapped Nat under piles and piles of rocks. Groot rapped Thanos in tree limbs but he broke them with ease by opening his arms and Groot was down.

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